[Commentary] On December 28, the State Information Office held a reader meeting of "Excerpts from Xi Jinping's Essays on Respecting and Protecting Human Rights".

Foreign experts attending the conference said that the "people-centered" view of human rights should be praised rather than slandered.

  [Explanation] On December 7, "Excerpts from Xi Jinping's Statements on Respecting and Protecting Human Rights" was officially published. The book contains important statements published by General Secretary Xi Jinping from November 15, 2012 to October 30, 2021.

In just three weeks, sales continued to climb.

  [Concurrent] Huang Yibing, Vice President of the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute

  In the next step, we will continue to promote the publication and distribution of this important work in English, Russian, French, Japanese, and Spanish.

  [Explanation] The book is divided into 9 topics, with a total of 335 paragraphs, and puts forward a number of original new human rights concepts and new theories.

Tang Xianwen, director of the Human Rights Affairs Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department, said that this is of great significance for advancing the development of the cause of human rights in the world.

  [Concurrent] Tang Xianwen, Director of the Human Rights Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department

  Clearly put forward original and contagious new human rights concepts and judgments such as "adhere to the people as the center", "people first", "life first", "people's happy life is the greatest human right", and "promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind".

It is of great significance for promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and advancing the development of the cause of human rights in the world.

  [Explanation] Wu Yingxiong, a reader representative from Nigeria working in China, said that human rights governance at the national and international levels must be people-oriented, and the country’s policies must put people’s well-being first and centered.

  [Concurrent] Wu Yingxiong, Nigerian Expert in China

  For example, the complete elimination of absolute poverty must be regarded as an extremely urgent human rights issue.

If a country prioritizes poverty issues as its first step towards the full realization of other human rights, then it should be praised rather than slandered.

  [Explanation] Ming Zhu, a reader representative from Pakistan, said that after living in China for more than 6 years, he has witnessed the continuous improvement of people's lives and the increasing opportunities to enjoy human rights.

Mingzhu said that human rights should be pragmatic and effective measures.

  [Concurrent] Mingzhu, a Pakistani expert in China

  I would like to say that human rights are not ideals or concepts for debate and discussion, but goals that need to be progressively advanced, operable, and attainable. It is not an empty concept, but requires us to take some pragmatic and effective measures. Persevere and implement it consistently.

  [Explanation] Dozens of representatives including Chinese experts, foreign experts in China, university students, and media professionals attended the reader meeting that day.

  Reporter Jean Baokui reports from Beijing

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】