To encourage children with childhood cancer who spend Christmas at the hospital, a boy who had experienced childhood cancer himself delivered a present to Santa on the 23rd at a hospital in Osaka.

The presents were delivered to the Municipal General Medical Center in Miyakojima Ward, Osaka by Junpei Izumi, a first-year junior high school student in Osaka City, and Sosuke Fukushima, a sixth-grade elementary school student in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture.

Of these, Mr. Izumi was found to have a brain tumor in the winter of his third year of elementary school. I am.

In order to encourage the children spending time in the hospital, Izumi participated in an initiative to deliver Christmas gifts by a group made up of patients' families, and delivered board games and DVDs that all hospitalized children could play together.

At the entrance of the ward, the children in the hospital and the doctor in charge greeted him, and Mr. Izumi, who was in Santa Clause, said, "I was able to overcome both the pain and the pain with my friend who was in the hospital as soon as possible. I'm supporting you so that you can be discharged energetically. "

Dr. Keiko Okada, who received the present, said, "I think it will be very encouraging because some children are hospitalized with sad feelings that Santa will come at this time."

Mr. Izumi said, "I gave a present with the desire to play with everyone and make friends. I'm glad to see everyone's smiles."