The mother of the killed Leonie wants to go to the next instance after the sentence of the district court in Neubrandenburg.

As the court announced on Wednesday, the 27-year-old's lawyer appealed.

The regional court has to deal with the case (Az. 332 Ls 1658/21).

The mother of the then six-year-old girl was sentenced on Tuesday to two years imprisonment for negligent homicide. In January 2019, she had the opportunity to get help for the child in good time, but did not do so, judge Tanja Krüske said. A suspension of the sentence on probation is no longer possible in this case. "Here a child died from sheer inactivity," said Krüske. With the verdict, the district court had gone beyond the public prosecutor's request. The defense attorney had pleaded for an acquittal or a fine.

Leonie was found dead on January 12, 2019 in the apartment of the family of five in Torgelow (Vorpommern-Greifswald).

The stepfather had mistreated the girl and then prevented the emergency services from being called in time.

He has already been sentenced to life imprisonment for murder by omission.

The mother was the main witness at the time.