【Mixed cuts】Double subtracted news mixed cuts

  [Subtitle] "Double minus" is...

  [Concurrent] People

  "Double minus" is really not clear to me.

  Which "minus" is "minus"?

  Let's reduce tutoring and homework in school.

  (What do you think of the "double reduction" policy?)

  I think you can go to school and ask the students, they may feel more emotional.

  [Live Voice]

  It's Friday again, isn't it? Welcome students to our clever sewing club again.

  [Explanation] Sewing, recitation, hosting, the students' two-hour after-school service time a day is filled with physical exercises and interest clubs.

With the introduction of the "double reduction" policy, the study and life of students in the compulsory education stage are undergoing considerable changes.

  [Concurrent] Elementary and junior high school students

  Now I see, my gods have turned over several major articles, all of which are clubs, and I can't pick them anymore.

  It turned out to be copied and written.

Now it has been changed to, for example, a mind map, or let you draw some tabloids.

  Because we have a big break between physical education and time to do homework on our own.

I don’t need to write any homework I left when I go home.

  The exam ranking will not be announced, and then the exam room will not be divided according to the score.

  [Subtitles] After the "double reduction", the changes in education in the eyes of students

  [Concurrent] Elementary and junior high school students

  After "double reduction", my psychological pressure will be reduced, and then I will spend more time doing handicrafts at home or going out for exercise.

So my body is very healthy.

  The teacher will also answer questions seriously, and did not say that this must be done outside the school, and it can be done inside the school.

  At the beginning, I feel that I have nothing to do, but at the end I can arrange my time reasonably.

The academic planning is done by myself.

  [Live] So there is no standard answer to this question, it takes us a lifetime to explore.

  [Explanation] "Double Reduction" aims to bring education back to campus.

The key to making this policy is the teachers.

  [Concurrent] Middle school and elementary school teachers

  (After "double reduction"), more activities will be used to attract children's attention.

  Pay more attention to personalized tutoring to students and improve the learning efficiency per unit of time.

  The time and frequency of communicating with parents will also increase.

  We will be able to commute to and from get off work flexibly, and if we have some flexibility in time, we can better arrange our work and life.

  [Subtitle] After the double reduction, the change in education in the eyes of the teacher

  [Concurrent] Middle school and elementary school teachers

  Compared with the "double reduction" before, the current teacher is indeed busier. This is a fact that cannot be avoided.

But when we see students learning happily, we are also very happy in our hearts.

I found that their eyes began to "light up" in the classroom.

  I think this is a thing that will take great effort now, but will benefit in the long run.

  Although it is possible that I have more time thinking about teaching.

But I don’t think this is what we should do?

  Not only the specialty, but also some life education and psychology, I think all aspects can be integrated into it.

  【on site】

  goodbye teacher!

goodbye students!

  [Explanation] Home-school co-education is an important part of "double reduction".

In the context of "double reduction", what do parents think?

  [Concurrent] Parents

  The mentality may not be as anxious as before.

  Before "Double Minus", I felt that someone called you for years.

Especially when the winter and summer vacations are approaching, the overwhelming is really brainwashing sales.

But now that the overall environment has come down, our parents have less pressure.

  Spend more time outdoors, such as some physical exercises to enhance his physique, I think it is good to consider this aspect.

  [Subtitle] After the "double reduction", the change in education in the eyes of parents.

  [Concurrent] Parents

  I think the responsibilities of parents are particularly important. The country has been doing "double reduction", but I think the responsibilities of parents may be equal.

  I hope there is a balance.

For example, if the off-campus tutoring agency is required to cease operations, can the school's services or facilities keep up?

  Now I see that the government has some policies, and (in the future) there will be some teachers who will give tutoring online, and it is free. I also hope that such policies can be promoted quickly.

  [Concurrent] He Shiming, Principal of Fengtai No. 2 Middle School, Beijing

  Since the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, a small cut policy has triggered the great mission of the entire education reform.

We especially look forward to reducing the burden of children’s homework and off-campus training, truly designing our education at the top level, and evaluating children’s growth scientifically.

Starting from the school, starting from the family, starting from the whole society, we will certainly guide our children to grow up healthy and happily.

  Reporting from Beijing by reporter Cheng Yu

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】