Solène Delinger 5:50 p.m., December 14, 2021

Cardiac coherence, a technique that involves changing your heart rate through breathing, has many benefits for physical, mental and emotional health.

Simple to practice, it allows, among other things, to reduce stress and extend life expectancy.

How to set it up?

What are its effects in the long term?

Advice and answers from Stéphanie Noncent, author of the book Défi 30 jours de coherence cœur, published by Eyrolles.


Unknown to the general public, cardiac coherence has everything to please.

Simple to practice, it provides immediate benefit and reduces anxiety, thanks to the regulation of its breathing.

Invited in

Bienfait pour vous

, Stéphanie Noncent, personal development trainer and author of the book

30 Days of Cardiac Coherence Challenge

, gives

her advice on how to adopt this technique on a daily basis.

A particular state of heart variability

First of all, cardiac coherence is a personal practice of managing stress and emotions.

Stéphanie Noncen, who has been practicing it for a very long time, decided to write a book on this subject during confinement, a particularly "anxiety-provoking" period.

"I wondered what I could do to help people cope better with this period. Even though I think we still need cardiac coherence."

Cardiac coherence is a particular state of cardiac variability (the heart's ability to speed up or slow down in order to adapt to its environment).

Indeed, our heart does not have the same rhythm throughout the day.

Five minutes three times a day

How to test this cardiac coherence?

In fact, it only takes five minutes, three times a day, for a month, to achieve results on his health and his psyche.

"It's ideal," according to Stéphanie Noncen.

"With five minutes of cardiac coherence, we will have the effects in our body for five hours".

The principle is simple: you have to do six breaths per minute for five minutes.

It's the same as inhaling for five seconds and then exhaling for five seconds, six times in a row.

The important thing is to equalize the two times: inspiration and expiration.

It is best to choose a quiet and comfortable place to exercise, and to be seated. 

Find a physiological and physical balance

When our doctor takes our heartbeat continuously for one minute, we can reach 60 beats. But in fact, the heart did not beat 60 times in a minute. It will speed up and slow down, even at rest. "With cardiac coherence, the heart will continue to beat irregularly because that is its mode of adaptation to its environment. But it will do so over regular and consistent periods. The alternation of acceleration and slowing of the heart will occur on a regular, periodic and consistent basis, ”explains Stéphanie Noncen. 

Cardiac coherence will make it possible to modulate the rhythms of our heart to return to a state of internal balance.

When we are in cardiac coherence, the heart is the master on board, the captain of our body.

It will ensure that the autonomic nervous system also comes into balance.

This autonomic nervous system regulates all of our vital functions.

If it balances, we can achieve perfect physiological and physical balance. 

Increased life expectancy

Cardiac coherence allows us to grant ourselves moments of harmony and coherence in our cardiac variability, which is very often chaotic. After a cardiac coherence session, you feel soothed, calm, regenerated. "We preserve our energy as much as possible while returning to emotional stability". The goal ? Make our heart slow down. A heart that beats more slowly indeed beats longer.

Cardiac coherence therefore increases our life expectancy.

More surprisingly, this technique also makes you lose weight.

Weight gain is indeed often linked to an emotional disorder.

We come to fill a stress with food.

Regulating your breathing creates a non-emotional filter between craving and food intake.

Desensitization will then take place in a natural way, without frustration.

In children, cardiac coherence can be useful for refocusing, because it improves concentration and memorization.

So, let's get started!