[Explanation] According to the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology, from June 2020 to November 2021, archaeologists excavated the Warring States Period, Han Dynasty, Western Jin Dynasty, Sixteen Kingdoms, Northern Dynasties, Dizhang Street and Beidu Street, Weicheng District, Xianyang City, the province. There are 3648 ancient tombs in the Sui, Tang, Song, Ming and Qing dynasties, and the tombs lasted for more than 2,200 years.

  [Concurrent] Li Ming, researcher of Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology

  The most important significance of this archeological discovery is that more than 3,000 ancient tombs were found in a single cemetery. The first one is the large number, and the second one lasts for a long time, from the late Warring States period to the Ming and Qing dynasties. In particular, the series of discoveries in the family cemetery in the Middle Ages are very important archaeological discoveries. The third one is Hongduyuan. The identity of the owner of the buried tomb is generally very high, and the amount of information it contains very large.

  [Explanation] The site of this excavation is located in the Hongduyuan cemetery in the north of Chang'an in the Han and Tang dynasties. It is the highest-level cemetery in this period except for the tombs of the emperors. A large proportion of medium and large tombs have been excavated, with a large number of chronological tombs and rich cultural relics unearthed.

  Li Ming said that during the archaeological excavation, the archaeologists focused on the distribution of ditches and sealing soil, and found that in Hongduyuan, Sui and Tang high-level tombs generally set up ditches and rammed and sealed the soil. There are 1 to 7 in the ditches. Tombs are all found, including couples buried in the same cave, married couples in different caves, father and son, grandparents, and family members of several generations. This is a family tomb or family in the Sui and Tang Dynasties that the archaeological community did not master before this excavation. The pattern of the tombs is distributed and shaped.

  [Concurrent] Li Ming, researcher of Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology

  The tomb embodies a human thought. It is not just what we have seen materialized. The cultural relics unearthed from the deep pit actually reflect the ancient people’s thought behind it. It is a systematic one. A form of expression of culture, how did the ancients arrange their affairs, how did they reflect their filial piety through tombs, and how did they use tombs to carry out political activities and even social activities? This is in the tomb culture. In this system, it is reflected in this cultural heritage.

  [Explanation] In addition, archaeologists unearthed China's earliest gold and bronze Buddha statues at the Chengren Cemetery in Xianyang. These two gold and bronze Buddha statues are relics of the late Eastern Han Dynasty and have important research value for the introduction and sinicization of Buddhist culture.

  [Concurrent] Li Ming, researcher of Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology

  Because it (gold and bronze Buddha statue) was unearthed in archaeology, it has a clear background, accompanying objects, and the process of archeological work, so we set it up. The two gold and bronze Buddha statues unearthed in archaeology are set at In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, it was recognized by experts and it was not a problem. So this is our previous understanding, that is, the independent Buddha statue that appeared in the northern region during the Sixteen Kingdoms period. It is at least 200 years ahead of schedule. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, this is very important for the study of human thought. It is a very important material evidence for the unearthed object and the study of the history of thought.

  [Explanation] It is reported that the rich materials obtained from this excavation, combined with the comprehensive research results of the archaeological materials of the original Hongdu original tombs, combined with the records of handed down documents, will greatly help to interpret the historical value, cultural value, and aesthetic value of the cultural relics. , Scientific and technological value and the value of the times.

  Reporter Mei Yitaki Alina Xi'an

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]