There is no deaf person than the one who refuses to listen and this is what the Government is doing with regard to its proposed

reform of the National Security Law


Cast into his watchtower of sectarianism, the discredited Minister of the Interior,


, has made it clear that he does not mind having all the State Security forces against him and that the coalition Executive

ignores the historic demonstration of the last week


But this controversial reform is not rejected only by those who

s are dedicated to protecting the integrity of all.

It also has against the social majority


Thus, according to the Sigma Dos survey that we publish today,

Two-thirds of Spaniards believe that members of the police force are going to be "much" or "quite a bit" more unprotected


And only those who declare themselves voters of PP, Cs or Vox do not consider it that way.

Among those of the PSOE, the largest bloc -26% - think that the agents will suffer "a lot" with the reform, and, yes, there is a practical tie between those who believe that they will be unprotected and those who say that they will it will affect "little" or "nothing."

The only ones clearly in favor of Moncloa's intentions are the followers of Podemos, which shows to what extent

Socialist leaders allow themselves to be carried away by the demands of their most radical partners and supporters, including pro-independence activists and heirs of ETA who are used to doing politics by setting fire to the streets.

and that they press to end the one they call interestedly

Gag law


So many fallacies have been made by the left about the citizen security legislation in force that falsehoods have spread such as that today the police can act with total impunity because they cannot capture images of them.

And the reality is that this is not the case.

What the Constitutional Court itself made clear is that the unauthorized use of images or personal or professional data of members of the Security Forces that could put their own integrity or that of their family members at risk should be well regulated.

From there

the sanchismo has gone on to pretend without further ado the elimination of the legal system of the prohibition of disseminating images of the agents

, which in many circumstances can put them in serious danger.

In the latter, the poll does reflect a clear asynchrony between the voters of the center-right and the left.

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