Hot search on "medical insurance negotiation sister", drug prices "squeeze water" can not only rely on negotiations to "shed tears"

  The medical insurance negotiation pursues "not the lowest price, but the reasonable price."

  Zhang Jinni, a negotiator of the National Medical Insurance Bureau and director of the Medical Equipment Procurement Supervision Division of the Fujian Medical Insurance Bureau,’s "soul bargaining" has recently rushed into hot searches.

Because of this negotiation, Zhang Jinni was affectionately referred to by netizens as the "elder sister of medical insurance negotiations" (this newspaper reported on the 4th).

  In fact, this is not the first time that the medical insurance negotiation scene has attracted media attention.

The most fundamental reason for its frequent "out of the circle" is that through medical insurance negotiations, more medicines can enter medical insurance at a more reasonable price, which is closely related to public interest.

This kind of public onlookers is actually a kind of "interests concern."

  Take the “famous scene” that was exposed this time as an example. The negotiation finally quoted 53680 yuan per bottle of the “expensive drug” Nosinasheng Sodium Injection, and talked about the transaction of 33,000 yuan per bottle. That is undoubtedly great news.

  In addition, the "elder sister of the medical insurance negotiation" during the negotiation process such as "Every small group should not be abandoned" "I think my tears were almost falling" and other remarks, which further aroused social resonance.

  However, those of us who have been fancied by the "sisters of medical insurance negotiations" should also see that medical insurance negotiations are definitely not based solely on "tears" or personal charisma to succeed. It requires more rationality and professionalism.

  In fact, Zhang Jinni still has some words that deserve more attention.

For example, "If this medicine can enter the medical insurance catalog, it will be difficult to find such a market based on China's population base and the Chinese government's determination to serve patients." It is the biggest concern of the pharmaceutical company negotiating party that it is the most practical and practical.

  The successful "big bargaining" is of course an important reason for the attention of this negotiation. However, a cognitive misunderstanding to be eliminated is that it is important to "squeeze water" in the medical insurance negotiation price, but it does not mean "bargaining." The harder the better. If the "bargaining" rate exceeds the acceptable range of pharmaceutical companies, resulting in the eventual inability to enter medical insurance or affecting the quality of medicines, the greatest harm is actually to the interests of patients.

  At last year’s press conference, Zhang Jinni, the “sister of medical insurance negotiations,” explained on the issue of price cuts for medicines and consumables. The main reason for the decrease in the price of concentrated purchases was the moisture in the prices of medicines and consumables. The reduction is not necessary. Costs and necessary inputs do not affect the manufacturing costs and reasonable profits of the enterprise in principle.

At the same time, she also said that the medical insurance department will attach great importance to quality issues in promoting the reform of centralized procurement of medicines and consumables.

  From the perspective of patients, of course, I hope that the lower the price of medicines, the better.

However, there is a whole set of economic laws at work behind the development of medicines from research and development to procurement to sales, and medical insurance negotiations are only to squeeze out the unreasonable premium and moisture behind them.

If the "low price" breaks the benign balance between pharmaceutical companies, drug procurement departments, patients and other subjects, in the end, a situation of "multiple losses" will actually be formed.

As professionals have pointed out, what the medical insurance negotiations are pursuing is "not the lowest price, but the reasonable price."

  Looking further, to completely change the situation where some patients are overburdened with medication, or some rare patients can only use "expensive drugs", or even no drugs are available, the professional "soul bargaining" of the medical insurance department is only part of it. Work.

Such as enhancing the enthusiasm of pharmaceutical companies for research and development, speeding up the technical breakthrough of drugs for rare diseases, and improving the efficiency of drug approval, etc., are all indispensable tasks.

These are also related to the initiative and success rate of the medical insurance department in the negotiation.

  Therefore, it is understandable that some netizens are concerned about and moved by the "sister of medical insurance negotiation", but we should know that it is not "teas" that makes her successful negotiation, but rationality and professionalism.

Correspondingly, when the society as a whole can more rationally view the role and value of medical insurance negotiations and its "limitations", it will also help to gather more consensus and strength to solve medical supply and price issues.

  Chengdu Commercial Daily-Red Star News Special Commentator Zhu Changjun