Europe 1 12:41 p.m., 05 December 2021

Every Sunday in the Sunday Table, Laurent Mariotte, his columnists and his guests give us their best recipes.

For 4 people

1.2-1.3 kg of almost veal

50g butter



3 garlic cloves, grated or minced

Espelette pepper

Olive oil

For the mash:

4 large potatoes

30 cl of cream

20 cl of milk

150 g butter

The day before, brush your almost veal with oil, thyme, garlic and Espelette pepper.

Preheat your oven to 180 ° C.

Drain the almost veal.

On high heat, brown it on all sides in a casserole dish then bake for 25 minutes (for pink meat, touch the meat with your finger at the end of cooking, it should be very soft).

Place in a large dish and keep the juice that will flow out.

Prepare the mash: Place the potatoes in a saucepan, wet them up and boil until the potatoes are cooked.

At the same time, heat the milk and cream.

Salt and pepper.

Pass the potatoes through the mill, gradually pour in the creamed milk while mixing the mash.

At the end, mix the hot mash with the butter.

Collect the meat juice, heat it and beat it in butter (50 g).

Cut the veal almost into slices, serve the mash on the side and cover with the sauce.
