Prior to the first Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons to be held next year, an international forum to think about the damage caused by the atomic bomb and nuclear tests was held online, and people from all over the world complained about the inhumanity of nuclear damage. I did.

The "World Nuclear Victims Forum" is held online by an NGO in Tokyo, and in addition to Japanese A-bomb survivors, people who have suffered health damage from nuclear tests in the United States and the former Soviet Union report on their experiences and activities. Did.

Of these, Kazakh painter Kalibbek Kuyukov was born with no arms and many lives, including family and friends, due to the effects of his parents' exposure near the test site where nuclear tests were repeated during the former Soviet era. He said that the nuclear test site was closed due to the subsequent protests, and called for "it is important to continue fighting without despair no matter what."

At the forum, discussions were held for the first meeting of the Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons to be held in Austria in March next year. You should join the treaty first. "

In addition, the Secretary-General of the Japan Confederation of Atomic Bomb Victims, Kido Kiichi, said, "I was able to understand the anti-humanity of nuclear weapons again. We must implement the law that requires each government to provide support and compensation for the damage caused by the disaster. "