salt and sugar

Our sport has undergone many transformations

Youssef Al-Ahmad

twitter: @yousif_alahmed

01 December 2021

Fifty years have passed since the establishment of the state, and our sport has accompanied many transformations during the past five decades, perhaps the first beginnings that were established since the seventies of the last century, to lay the groundwork for the launch to the horizons of the various fields, from which the long march began, and the challenges, difficulties and achievements interspersed with it, to continue its giving despite Change and succession of generations.

It is fortunate for the sport and its people that they have captured the attention of the leadership, and its care for them throughout those years, as it did not hesitate to harness all possibilities, to develop facilities and build facilities in all its forms, while overcoming difficulties and solving dilemmas, according to what serves the objectives of the higher interest, which is what he worked on Creating an ideal incubating environment to stimulate enthusiasm and encourage energies to highlight their talents and creativity in all local, regional and international arenas, which have achieved many gains and achievements, which had a great impact and resonance in enhancing the reputation and sporting standing among the rest of the countries.

Despite this generous support and great interest, the outputs were very limited, and within a narrow scope, that does not reflect the size of those efforts and care that the state has given and provided to serve the people of sports, as there is still a gap between the data and outputs that do not correspond to the size of the ambitions and aspirations that we seek and wait for their achievement. Throughout the past, amid the resentment and discontent of everyone, who waited for a repeat of the 90th achievement, as their dream with the Confederation Cup remained suspended as well, and what they also wished to win another Olympic medal to adorn the necks of our players, not to mention the repeated failures of our Asian clubs. No matter how much we make excuses and excuses, our harvest is not consistent with our reality, which lacks organization and the correct concept of sports work, which may lead to what we aspire to.

I am almost certain that the cause is a common denominator between two sides, administrative and behavioral, the two sides of the relationship bear the responsibility, whose repercussions are usually reflected in the results of the participation, and the frustrations that follow because of it.

The administrative element is linked to the systematic planning equation, and the stability lost in most games, while the behavioral aspect is a loose loop of commitment and discipline, and is controlled by the desire and seriousness of the game elements. The absence of these controls keeps us at the end of the ranks, and will not push us one step forward. Therefore, the leaps that the state has made in other fields, and has become the master of positions in them, should be accompanied by a sporting shift, even if temporary, it is unreasonable, and after these decades, That our thinking remains in building a local team and league!

• The leaps made by the state should be accompanied by a sporting move.

Twitter: @Yousif_alahmed

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