Towards the end of the year, when support for people in need of living tends to be scarce, a "food drive" was held in Nagano City to donate surplus food at home and deliver it to those in need. ..

"Food Drive" is an activity to donate surplus food from homes and businesses and deliver it to children's cafeterias and people in financial distress.

On the 30th, prefectures, social welfare councils, and support groups that are intensively working on "food drive" toward the end of the year will set up a special reception venue at the Nagano Joint Government Building in Nagano City, and JA staff will be from union members. I brought in 10 tons of food such as collected rice and canned food.

Since it is expected that the number of people who need support due to the corona disaster will increase from this time, the prefecture etc. are jointly implementing it, and the food brought in will be delivered to households and children's cafeteria management organizations who are in trouble. It has become.

Chieko Machida, the representative of "Shinshu Children's Cafeteria" in Nagano City, said, "Because of the new coronavirus, many people can't eat it, so we make lunch boxes and so on. I will continue. "

Special venues for accepting donations will continue to be set up, and all social welfare councils and groups of children's cafeterias in the prefecture are always accepting food.