Tens of thousands of people - most of them members of police forces and civil guards -

demonstrated yesterday in Madrid against the reform of the Citizen Security Law promoted by the Government

and that would leave the agents in charge of ensuring security much more unprotected of all.

Leaders of the center-right parties joined in a clear message of opposition to the ongoing parliamentary procedure.

It is the first time that all the police (national, crazy

and autonomous communities) and the Civil Guard in a protest backed by practically all trade union associations.

This denies the Manichean fallacy of Moncloa and its media speakers who, in another gesture of irresponsibility inappropriate for any ruler,

they have tried throughout the week to politicize the convocation by identifying it with the "extreme right"


And, above all, it confirms to what extent the concern among those who dedicate themselves, risking their own integrity, to protecting all of us citizens is serious.

What one would expect from a government that presumes that it is dialogue-oriented is that it would attend to the legitimate demands of this sector and not that it would dedicate itself to denigrate them, calling them going against constitutional rights, as, for example, the communist did yesterday

Enrique Santiago

, currently Secretary of State.

The sanchismo has not even pressed the opinion of the police representatives when taking

decisions that seem designed by anti-establishment groups

as the repeal of what they cleverly call

Gag law

It would hinder the work of the Security agents, reducing their authority, putting their actions in question and, at the same time,

favoring impunity for the violent


Once again, we see how the PSOE is carried away by the radicalism of Podemos and the independentistas who support them in Moncloa, including the heirs of ETA,

formations so accustomed precisely to doing politics by setting fire to the streets

They demand measures such as allowing uncommunicated demonstrations, prohibiting the use of deterrent riot gear, and drastically limiting the time for the identification of possible undocumented criminals, not to mention questioning the police reports.

Giving the green light to the reform would actually be an attack on the citizens in their security and tranquility.

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