Following the lifting of the ban on the export of domestically produced Satsuma mandarin to Vietnam, Wakayama Prefecture's specialty mandarin will be exported for the first time in Japan, and a departure ceremony was held in Aridagawa Town.

The export of Satsuma mandarin to Vietnam was lifted in October, satisfying conditions such as pest control and pre-registration of farms, and Wakayama Prefecture's mandarin will be shipped for the first time in Japan.

On the 28th, a departure ceremony was held at the fruit sorting plant in Aridagawa Town, and JA Wakayama Prefecture Agriculture Chairman Toru Nakaya said, "Transportation means are limited due to corona damage, and the export volume in the first year is expected to be small, but as much as possible. I want people to taste oranges. "

Then, the oranges that had been quarantined in advance and packed in a box were loaded onto the truck and departed for Narita Airport.

According to the prefecture, it is expected to export 2 tons this season, and from next month it will be sold at supermarkets in Ho Chi Minh City, a city in southern Vietnam, and PR activities will be carried out using SNS and free papers.

Hiroaki Ueda, General Manager of Agricultural Sales Department, "JA Arida" in the production area, said, "Since the sugar content is 12 degrees or more, which is sweeter than usual, I hope that the Vietnamese people will be pleased and the export volume will increase from next year onwards. I will. "