I would like to applaud Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin standing for his honest and frank admission that the Unified State Exam is a torture for young people. Finally, a representative of the most important law enforcement agency voiced what millions of citizens of our country of different ages think about. And these millions remain unheard for years, which is why the gap between a person and an official is widening. In this case, an education official.

How much was said about the dangers of the Unified State Exam, how many examples and facts were given - it set the teeth on edge, but without any result! So let's repeat the main thing: the USE is a complete degradation of the ability to think independently and creatively. All that young people acquire is the skill to fill in the boxes correctly in exams and pass tests with ready-made answer options. Already today we are witnessing a situation in which schoolchildren and students have forgotten how to speak in long, complex phrases, but answer briefly, torn, as if filling out a column.

The Unified State Exam kills a creator man at the root, producing a man-machine, a man-function, a man-detail in a factory for the production of "human capital".

An approach that fundamentally contradicts both the archetypes of the consciousness of the Russian person and the traditions, the adherence to which, by the way, is enshrined in the amendments to the Constitution adopted last year.

The Soviet education system, which Bastrykin urged to revive, was the best in the world.

Even our opponents and geopolitical enemies were equal to it and recognized its high quality.

So the question of who needed to destroy the Soviet system is a rhetorical one.

It is no longer a secret for anyone that after the defeat of the Soviet Union in the Cold War, it was necessary not only to destroy the spiritual unity of the peoples of the USSR and one of the most powerful economies in the world.

It was necessary to eradicate every possibility of further rebirth.

Destruction of education is a strategic, decades-long hostile action.

One has only to launch it, and then follow the pattern: not education, but "educational services", the configuration of the school system, in which the teacher becomes a service staff, and not a respected mentor, parenting parenting.

As a result, we massively have Morgensterns and Milokhins, to whom, by the way, the UK declared battle - and rightly so!

Bastrykin deserves exceptional respect and support for taking upon himself such a burden - to be the spokesman for the aspirations of the majority and to take the blow of a small, but very loud and self-confident liberal get-together, which, of course, will worry and sigh about the "gains of progress" in the form of the Unified State Exam, at the same time sending punishment to a worthy person who was not afraid to call a spade a spade.

I would like to say: “Alexander Ivanovich, we are with you!

We are grateful and wish you the strongest health and good spirits in your always difficult struggle! "

It is also worth noting that Bastrykin did not ignore the problem of distance learning, noting that the quality of the knowledge gained in this configuration is much worse than the classical one.

It should be added here that promoting the introduction of remote control is also one of the methods of a hybrid war against Russia.

The Pentagon is actively investing in the spread of the "electronic school".

And among those directly interested in our children, instead of going to school, spoil their eyesight, posture and health in general, sitting at gadgets, such transnational corporations as Cisco Systems, Dell, Google, IBM Corporation, Microsoft, Oracle etc.

Coincidentally, there are many sponsors of the American Democratic Party among them.

If the issue of sovereignty for our country has become not at all idle in the context of hybrid confrontation, then why have we not yet taken up the sovereignty of education?

There is no answer yet.

So thanks to the security officials, who are supposed to keep their finger on the pulse even just because of their duty.

Apparently, the ice has broken.

And this is encouraging.

No country has a future without quality classical education.

Education is a fundamental issue of national security.

Thank God, an important issue is finally on the agenda.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.