We can trust that we are facing the end of the escape of the Catalan independence authorities who have been trampling for too many years a basic right of all minors in this community, which is to receive adequate training in Spanish.

A cultural heritage of extraordinary richness that we share with 500 million inhabitants of the planet and that, nevertheless, suffers an irrational offensive on the part of identity secessionism.

The language, we already know, is the first

step of the nationalist social engineering that comes later.

But the Supreme Court has made it crystal clear: it is mandatory that all educational centers in Catalonia teach at least one

25% of classes in Spanish


The High Court rejects the appeal filed by the Generalitat against the judgment of the TSJC that already considered that the use of Spanish in the classrooms was «


"And that urged the public authorities to" adopt the necessary measures to guarantee that all students receive effective and immediate instruction through the normal vehicular use of the two official languages ​​in percentages that may not be less than 25% "

The obligation does not admit any interpretation or the possibility of new mockery.

We are facing a firm resolution from the Supreme Court and it must be followed immediately.

The Government, which was quick to label the ruling a "serious attack on the Catalan school", has systematically dedicated itself to failing to comply with the sentences on education.

But persisting in contempt could have serious consequences for the independence rebels.

For now, the Assembly for a Bilingual School of Catalonia announced this Tuesday that they will report to the courts any breach of the competent authorities, which would mean disobedience to the judicial authority and could lead to their disqualification at least.

But, beyond that, it is the government of the nation itself that must feel concerned by this momentous judicial ruling.

Moncloa cannot continue abdicating

nor, as up to now, of their responsibility so that the obligatory nature of the students receiving instruction in Spanish is carried out in a reliable way.

After the ruling of the TSJC, the sanchismo escaped from its duty to enforce the sentences and protect the common language.

And when he was reprimanded by the EU Petitions Commission, he had the merit of stating that he lacks the powers to guarantee this right, saying that this power belongs exclusively to the autonomies, deliberately ignoring the important role of the High Inspection.

Of course we live in the world upside down.

Because here it is the government itself that, surrendered to the independence movement that supports it, approved a transactional amendment to the nefarious Celaá Law aimed precisely at

eliminate Spanish as a common language in Catalonia

Although later the judges made it clear that the educational norm did not shield linguistic immersion as the independence movement intended, nor did it serve to evade the obligation to give 25% of classes in Spanish.

Let's trust Sánchez to comply and enforce the law this time.

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