In fact, nobody likes the law on foreign agents.

In a normal, non-deformed, non-aggressive reality, it is not needed at all.

Russia dragged out this process to the last, but life and realities forced it.


It is possible that they hoped to reach a hundred-year distance with a similar American law, and then, you see, it will become completely irrelevant ... But it did not work out.

A common loss, although how else to defend their interests and security in the information world, when many of the most noisy, noisy and "competent" voices impose the images of some kingdom of crooked mirrors.

They lead people into information rooms, either laugh, or horror, or all this together, and even with a labyrinth.

If you get out of all this, you will not immediately recognize yourself, and not what the environment.

It must be understood that foreign agents are not some kind of conspiracy, a witch hunt or a cover for the fight against dissent.

This is a reality imposed on Russia.

Extremely unscrupulous.

Moreover, it has long overcome the format of just propaganda and slipped into open Russophobia.

Like all the "best", this came to us from the West, there, under this squeaky, they have been fighting titanically against Russian intrigues for a long time.

Soon any citizen of Russia, a native of Russia, who has any distant roots there, relatives or acquaintances, will be enrolled in the category of foreign agents.

And it's not funny.

But here's the catch: in the States, the corresponding law has been in effect for so long and strikes at different goals, which, apparently, is perceived by everyone as a norm and tradition. International organizations do not criticize him, do not put forward demands on the government, they simply do not notice. The recent adoption of the Russian vegetarian analogue has become for the entire "civilized" world new proof that our country has finally slipped from the direct democratic vector of life according to European standards.

Such a standardized optics manifested itself, for example, in the statements of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatovic, who stated that Russian legislation on foreign agents does not meet the standards of the Council of Europe.

In her opinion, it is aimed at persecuting human rights defenders, "curtailing freedom of speech, has a repressive effect."

Therefore, the European Commissioner issued her verdict that this law should be canceled.

Of course, in the same States, he does not oppress anyone - neither organizations, nor people, nor the media.

Russian ... however, Russian does not count.

They are all stigmatized a priori.

Everyone is under suspicion and everyone is guilty.

If there is a criticism of the law, then there should be some general approaches and the object for criticism should not be selected selectively by the inertia of those very European standards.

Or are we discussing the behavior of Russia and only Russia?

It is clear that the job is like this: to monitor and to be indignant, but you also need to maintain adequacy.

And this is how bias and one-sided play turn out.

Strange story.

Although no, they have magnifying optics in relation to our country.

It’s like a strict teacher is pointing his pince-nez at a negligent student and is now pulling his ear.

Yes, we ourselves are already accustomed to all this, that we are no longer surprised, we are not indignant.

Double standards, what can you do.

For a long time now, we have not pretended to their standards, we know that they are unworthy, and in order to become worthy, we must forget ourselves and walk on the line.

Therefore, we are somehow on our own.

At one time, they somehow thought that they themselves were to blame, inferiority complexes and guilt arose, they wanted to repent for everything. But soon they began to be tormented by vague suspicions that it was not at all about us, but their optics, standards. What can you do, you have to respect traditions, even such, let them be alone with them. Moreover, their whole point is to demonstrate that we and they are not at all the same thing. And about the rights the same way. That the question of our compliance with the standards will be decided by them, and we should not go to them under any pretext ...

The same Dunje Mijatovich, who is hurt to the depths of her soul by the Russian law, said the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova.

She lamented: “It's a shame no one has heard similar criticism from Dunja Mijatovic of the US foreign agent law.

Perhaps, if the international officials guarding the freedom of speech had taken the same irreconcilable position with regard to Washington, which in 2017 began to apply it to our media, and the Russian would not have to accept. "

But after all, no one will and does not intend to understand the cause-and-effect relationship.

Only Russia has perked up to point out and be indignant about it.

And what do you order us to do in this case?

Obediently and gratefully observe how the same Russian media are persecuted in the West? ..

In our country, unlike in the West, no one is happy with the law on foreign agents. This is, once again, a forced necessity, which we delayed as best we could. They even tried to be loyal when they began to unanimously degenerate into mouthpieces of the interests of the hand that was not at all Russian, but rather anti-Russian. But when a consistent and massive practice of pressure and harsh oppression of the Russian media was added to all this, then ... everything has its limits.

While European human rights defenders are gazing only at Russia and cannot tear off their condemning views, large-scale persecutions against the organization of the Russian diaspora have been organized in the United States.

Because of this, the coordinating council of organizations of Russian compatriots in the United States suspended its activities.

The FBI, famously wielding the club of its law on foreign agents, arranges searches, interrogations of dozens of people, and confiscation of personal belongings.

Moreover, this is not a one-time clouding of consciousness, this lasts for years.

What do European human rights activists think about this?

Dunya Mijatovich, ay!

Not heard, and most likely we will not hear.

In the end, they can always say that the States are trusted, they are above all standards and if they do something, they do it right.

There is no trust in Russia, and therefore everything is only repressive, anti-democratic.

And other tightening of nuts.

Yes, the current armies are fighting in the information field, making a restructuring, or rather deformation of consciousness.

Moreover, this is not a competitive struggle at all, there is no spirit of competition in it, but all banal games without rules or which are written on the go and only for one side.

An example is Ukraine, where the shelves of NGOs and media outlets with foreign support have generously fertilized and nurtured the "Maidan" for many years.

Consciousness was so deformed there that the country is still and, apparently, for a long time in some kind of dense darkness.

And it is not yet known where all this will lead.

It is possible that it will decay.

These are the traditional consequences of the generous new Danaans bringing gifts.

Or, during the Soviet perestroika, under the slogans "more freedom, transparency and acceleration", all restraining mechanisms were turned off, so in endless freedom, even if you are a yeti, even if you call yourself an alien guest and load the banks, but most importantly - tell the whole "truth" about yourself and repent. The country became a gateway, where drafts raged, darkening the consciousness, became a magnet for any preachers and lobbyists of their interests. It felt like a huge concrete slab of falsehoods was put on society, and on it they also arranged all sorts of truth-telling dances, so they turned reality into postmodernity, some kind of monster, and everything cracked at the seams, and rolled downhill. And how can it be without developing protective mechanisms, without maintaining social immunity to external extremely aggressive manipulations of consciousness? ..

We must also remember that the meaning of the adoption of the law on foreign agents was not at all to create a repressive instrument, not to stigmatize. And for the sake of turning the consciousness of society towards national interests, in order to save people from "mess" and confusion, from confusion of "truths", because often only specialists can determine who and how promotes their interests and value system. So that the same global practices of manipulating the consciousness of the masses do not form an alternative, and even destructive reality here.

If, in the situation with sanctions, they began to talk about the policy of import substitution, then in this case we are not talking about substitution, but about import designation.

They mean Made in ... no one is outraged.

But after all, one can speak not only about the production of material, but also about ideology, propaganda, including Russophobic, values, a way of life, the conductors of which are foreign agents.

You shouldn't perceive them in some kind of spy matrix, because there are sales agents and so on ...

We still hope that the features of Western optics will undergo changes, that its revision will take place, because the current oddities lead to dead ends.

Dangerous and inadequate.

We hope that they will become conscientious, get sick with Russophobia, then the law can be handed over to the archives.

Nobody is happy with him here.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.