New law is introduced to solve the problem of parenting symptomatically

  Since the promulgation of the Family Education Promotion Law, there have been divergent opinions on how the new law will affect family education. Some people say that they "bring their children in accordance with the law", and some businesses want to "seize the blue ocean opportunity of parent training"... How does the Family Education Promotion Law have an effect on practice?

The reporter conducted an interview.

Clearly declare the basic concept of family education

  In traditional cognition, family education is a private field, and parents enjoy a high degree of autonomy in the education of their children.

Even the widely circulated family rules and precepts still do not have the folklore nature of a clan.

As soon as the new law came out, the idea of ​​"carrying a baby in accordance with the law" spread in the media.

Beijing parent Yang Liqing is very confused: "Every family has its own way of bringing a baby, and the concept and model are also very different. It is difficult to implement specific supervision of what happens at home. Will the new law become a dead letter?"

  "This law solves the problem of students but not teaching, improper teaching, especially improper teaching." Luo Shuang, an associate professor at the School of Education, Capital Normal University, told reporters, "The first draft of the law was called'family education' when soliciting opinions. 'Law', considering that it is too interfering, is not in line with the original intention of the legislation. Therefore, the amendment was made to'promote' to highlight the core of this law. In fact, this law is not a law governing parents, but A way to help parents."

  Since the birth of her baby, Yang Liqing has started to buy all kinds of parenting books, and when she went to kindergarten, the introduction of various concepts to run the kindergarten also made people dizzy.

She feels at a loss as to the various theories about family education, family education experts and sects that are popular in the market.

Yang Liqing noticed that in Chapter II of the Family Responsibilities of the Promotion Law, Articles 16 and 17 respectively provided detailed guidelines on the content and methods of family education for minors. For example, in terms of the content, there are cultivating family and national feelings and moral cultivation. , Correct conception of success, physical and mental health, labor concept, etc.; in terms of methods, there are methods such as parent-child companionship, subtlety, and equal exchanges.

"The feeling is to tell everyone important educational concepts in the form of legal provisions."

  "Law not only has the familiar compulsory function, but also has the function of education and notice. It is actually very important to clarify the concept of family education." Luo Shuang said that for the public, the legal form may be more convincing. , The authority is also very high, and it has a better effect than our previous propaganda of this kind of policy, including some regulations of normative documents.

  "I think the promulgation of this law is not isolated. It is in line with the'double reduction' work we did in the early stage. Before our child was on vacation, he was sent to the institution to learn linguistics and mathematics. After a series of policies There is no remedial class for adjustment, and the children will be free at this time." Beijing parent Jiang Yuangang said.

"The promulgation of the new law is equivalent to giving us a guiding direction. We know how to bring children in the next step, so that more children have more time, and we will have more company. Through this law We know that we need to teach him through words and deeds in daily life, and through parent-child companionship, to give him a family style and tutor training."

Symptomatically solve the problem of parenting

  Intergenerational rearing, widowhood parenting...Many provisions of the new law correspond to problems in practice.

"In fact, in rural areas, parents are often working outside. There are particularly many left-behind children. Children and the elderly lack good family education." Jiang Yuangang said, "If there is no legal protection and no legislation to protect children's rights, parents' The behavior of'nurturing but not teaching' lacks mandatory restraint, so children grow up savagely, which is detrimental to future growth."

  The reporter learned that before the promulgation of the Family Education Promotion Law, the Education Law, the Compulsory Education Law, the Civil Code, and the Law on the Protection of Minors all included content related to family education.

  "In the past, the law actually had some related provisions, and more stipulated that parents have the obligation to educate their children based on the guardianship relationship, but the specific responsibilities of family education, especially how they educate and what they educate, are actually not stipulated." Luo Shuang said that, in addition, what was actually missing in the previous laws was the construction of a guidance service system to improve parents' family education capabilities.

"How our society as a whole builds a family education guidance service system covering urban and rural areas to provide parents with family education guidance is not stipulated in the previous law."

  Yang Liqing’s child is in a primary school in Xicheng District, Beijing. She said that now the school itself also has a parent school, which organizes lectures every once in a while, but there are more principles and less specific methods.

"We all know that we must adopt an equal attitude in communicating with children, but how to do it is not involved." Yang Liqing analyzed that this may be related to the teacher's concurrent parent education.

"The new law says to strengthen the guidance service system. I hope that more experts will participate in parent school teaching in the future, and they can provide more analysis of case situations, including some support for difficult parent-child situations."

  "This is a problem of resource allocation and supply. It is how to gather the professional strength of researchers and universities for guidance." Luo Shuang said, "By setting up family education guidance agencies to be responsible for the construction and training of service personnel in the region , Can solve the problem of limited resources of schools and communities, and provide blood transfusions for them."

The roles of all parties in family education are clearer

  "Since 1996, our country will launch a five-year plan for the national family education work every five years. This family education promotion law can be said to be a summary of past experience and a collection of results." Luo Shuang said.

"The new law clarifies that the coordination department for family education work-the institution responsible for women and children work in the people's government at or above the county level is actually the Women and Children's Working Committee. This time it also clarified that the education administration and the Women's Federation are responsible for family education work. The management system is clearer than before, and we can solve the situation that we used to say that everyone seems to be in charge and everyone is responsible, and in the end, no one cares."

  Jiang Yuangang believes that when it comes to family education, the direct focus is still the school.

"The school itself is the main channel. If the school is allowed to undertake some of the functions, this will be more effective. Now because of the existence of the family committee, the school feedback information to the parents is relatively smooth, and they will give a directional suggestion. Parents generally will Actively cooperate."

  Under the background of "double reduction", whether family education will become a new outlet for capital investment has also sparked discussion.

In this regard, Luo Shuang stated that “Article 36 stipulates that natural persons, legal persons and unincorporated organizations can establish non-profit family education service organizations in accordance with the law, and it is clear that family education service organizations must be non-profit and cannot make money. Article 52 stipulates that legal responsibility should be pursued for behaviors beyond the scope of permitted business. One is to clarify the non-profit nature of family education service institutions, and the other is to hold legal responsibility for behaviors beyond the scope of business. In fact, these two The purpose of the clause is to prevent our family education service organization from transforming into this kind of discipline training organization in practice."

  "From the social level, it gave everyone a new guidance. In the past, when everyone followed the trend to go to the tutoring class, they were all to enroll their children. Now there is this kind of guidance from the national level, as well as this kind of guidance from the social level. We began to change gradually." Jiang Yuangang intends to take his son more to participate in outdoor camping: "Although it used to know that children should embrace nature more and experience the warmth of family life. Now with this orientation, society The atmosphere is also changing, and we can do a good job of family education in accordance with a more ideal concept."

(Reporter Liu Bochao)