Chinanews client, Beijing, November 14th (Reporter Yuan Xiuyue) There is often a hot search on the Internet "How scary are the stars under the red filter". Aaron Kwok turned into a big-eyed face, Lei Jiayin turned into a melon face, Charmaine Sheh Frightened by the self in the camera, even Guo Degang has become a "little fresh meat".

  Domestic dramas also have "net celebrity filters", such as Abao color and Morandi color, which are now popular for high-level and cinematic.

But in the same way, the audience didn't buy it. Recently, many dramas such as "The Mistress of the House", "The Knife in the Snow", and "Wind from Longxi" have been complained about "too dark" and "filters from the underworld".

  Why are domestic drama filters so difficult?

"The Mother of Home" poster

Filter quotes and complaints

  The TV series "Master of the House" starring Jiang Qinqin and Yang Rong is currently on the air, and the score has not yet been released, but the filter of the show is the first to be released.

  In 2018, "Strategy of Yanxi Palace" changed the bright color style of the previous works of Yu Zheng and adopted the elegant "Morandi color".

With the popularity of TV dramas, this low-saturation, cool-toned, and simple visual style has become popular.

  After that, Yu Zheng used this filter in many works such as "Jade Louchun" and "The Master of the House".

However, the filter has received a lot of complaints when "The Mother of the House" was broadcast recently.

  Some netizens said that the filter is too dark, "Is this a ghost film?" Some netizens said that the saturation is too low, the face is not bloody, and the trees are all white.

  Also complained about are the TV series "Snowing the Knife in the Snow", "Wind from Longxi" and "Love at first sight".

Netizens commented that the tone of "Fighting Knives in the Snow" was too green. "Every strand of Zhang Ruoyun's hair is greenish."

Video screenshot

  The tone of "Wind from Longxi" is too dark, and netizens ridiculed "it's dark, for fear that I might see it."

Video screenshot

  "Love at first sight" is that the beauty filter is too thick, some netizens said that "the filter is unpleasant", the best-looking picture turned out to be "Reuters".

Video screenshot

The dermabrasion is too cruel, and the actors are gone?

  There are many jokes similar to those caused by filters.

When "Legend of the New White Lady" was broadcast before, many netizens reported that the filter was too strong, and the facial features of people were almost unclear, and even Fahai's forehead lines were worn away.

As a result, the drama party urgently changed the filter and adjusted the white and excessive soft light.

As the protagonist, Yu Mengwu also issued a post stating that "Xu Xian's ten-level beauty filter is officially offline, and "Yu Qingqing" is online simultaneously."

Weibo screenshot

  In the trailer of "You Are My Glory", the filter is too wide, and many people are discussing where Yang Yang's fingernails are going.

Video screenshot

  "It's just a relationship between marriage" was broadcast. The actor Zhong Lili complained online that her silkworm was gone. After adjustment, the silkworm finally returned.

Weibo screenshot

  To sum up, the filters that netizens complain about are either too dark in tone or low in saturation, which often appears in costume dramas that pursue or advertise texture.

Either it is high saturation, high brightness and high beauty, everyone has a wax-like skin, and the contours of the facial features are blurred, which is often seen in modern dramas.

The two have something in common, neither can see the looks of the actor clearly, and both lack a sense of authenticity.

  In addition, many domestic dramas follow the trend seriously in filters, regardless of subject matter and genre.

The TV series "Dear Parents" starring Yan Ni and Wang Yanhui is an emotional drama of the age with the filter of an idol drama. The actors' skin is smooth and has no lines, full of a sense of disharmony.

Video screenshot

Should the filter be backed up?

  Facing the "ten filter" TV series, many netizens began to compare, thinking that the color of the previous TV series is better, there is no filter and no beauty, the actor's skin condition and background details are clearly visible, very realistic, the director uses light and shadow Come to film, not rely on filters and so on.

Netizen video screenshot

  In fact, the real attention of TV series filters has only started in recent years.

"Gong Lock Heart Jade" pioneered the color palette style called "Abao Se" and became popular for a while.

However, many people think that this gorgeous color is a bit exaggerated, which is inconsistent with the temperament of costume drama.

In 2015, "Langya Bang" was aired, and the show's light tone was praised, and many shows began to pursue film-like picture quality.

At the same time, the tone of Korean dramas has a profound influence on domestic idol dramas.

"Gong Lock Heart Jade" "Langya Bang" poster

  On the other hand, audiences are increasingly demanding stylization. In addition to the plot, clothing, modeling, and special effects, the exquisiteness of the picture has also become an important indicator for judging the quality of TV dramas.

  However, it is worth noting that the picture is a comprehensive art, in addition to color, it also includes photography, costume modeling, scenes, lighting, and so on.

Many TV dramas do not pay so much attention to the picture and want to cater to the audience, so there are many "pseudo-refined" and "pseudo-high-level", that is, "the early stage is not enough, the filter will save it."

  Some netizens have ridiculed that the significance of the Internet celebrity filter is probably to turn both 40 points and 80 points into 60 points.

For domestic dramas, this sentence also applies.

What really determines the appeal of a show is the content. Don't count on the filter, and don't throw the filter.

  Of course, the proliferation of filters is not only a problem of domestic dramas, but also a major feature of the Internet era.

Today, acne, wrinkles and other blemishes on celebrities’ faces seem to have become indecent things. Fans will revise celebrities into “white-faced and red-lip dummies” when they retouch their pictures.

  The actor Yongmei once asked the staff not to repair their wrinkles, "My story is written on the face, and this face is a tribute to time and truth."

  The filter erases the imperfections and also conceals the true power.

There is nothing wrong with filters and color palettes, but over-reliance may really have nothing to do with texture.
