Europe 1 9:00 a.m., November 09, 2021

What to eat

How to fall asleep well?

What are the immediate benefits of quitting smoking?

"Bienfait pour vous" received the doctor Vincent Valinducq, who published in Albin Michel "70 healthy gestures" in which he listed the little reflexes which allow to preserve his health on a daily basis.


Are you wondering how to improve your energy, limit your stress and significantly reduce the risk of cancer?

 Bienfait pour vous

 received doctor Vincent Valinducq who, in his book

70 healthy actions, 

lists good practices that allow prevention rather than cure.

A guide to good practices to adopt on a daily basis to prevent diseases before they appear. 

>> Find all the shows of Mélanie Gomez and Julia Vignali from 11 am to 12:30 pm on Europe 1 in replay and in podcast here

Limit red meat

Among the rules evoked by Vincent Valinducq in his book, some, such as that of five fruits and vegetables per day, are well known. “No guilt. It's great if you can apply them every day. Nevertheless, if there are small gaps, you can catch it the next day, the day after, with a diet a little less calorie. important is the notion of pleasure, ”he explains. Another reflex related to food: limit your consumption of red meat. "According to the WHO, eating more than 500 grams of red meat per week would expose you to types of colorectal cancer, as well as type 2 diabetes," recalls the doctor. This does not mean that we should completely stop red meat.It is preferable, for example, to diversify your protein intake with white meat such as poultry.

Avoid cigarettes and alcohol

In his book, Vincent Valinducq also addresses the issue of stress.

Sometimes taken as an anxiety remedy, cigarettes, alcohol, and coffee actually have the opposite effect.

"It's a decoy. We want to find a solution via something which, ultimately, is toxic to our health. For example, a cigarette will increase the heart rate a little, the palpitations, the blood pressure."

Don't fall asleep with cold feet

Other tips are more original.

For example, you should avoid falling asleep with cold feet.

“To fall asleep, the body will lose 0.5 ° C. It's normal, it calms down. On the other hand, when your feet are cold, something is wrong with you. So he will wait for the feet to return to normal temperature to be able to activate the sleep system. "


 Three simple tips to fight chronic fatigue

The importance of friends and sex

Having friends we can count on would also improve our health, explains Vincent Valinducq. Sex, too, is good, especially for the cardiovascular system. "Many studies have shown that having 21 ejaculations per month can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 30%." Regarding cancers, precisely, the more they are taken care of in time, the better the chances of recovery. So getting screened is essential. "Detected early, colorectal cancer has a 90% chance of being cured. It is absolutely necessary to do the screening," he recalled.

At the start of the tobacco-free month, the general practitioner has also listed the benefits of stopping smoking.

"You get the impression that stopping smoking only has long-term benefits. And I can see it: patients are impatient. But you have to know that after 48 hours, taste and smell s "improve. After three weeks, the quality of the skin too. And then, in the long term, after ten years, you will have halved your risk of developing lung cancer."