During the congress, the party also agreed that the preschool and school's cultural mission should become clearer and that aesthetic subjects need to be strengthened.

They also want to work for the One Percentage Rule to be applied to all public construction and to be applied more often when allocating land to private actors.

The question of the cultural school was raised already this spring by the Social Democrats' cultural policy leader Lawen Redar, who then expressed how important it is that the cultural school is developed and made available on equal terms throughout the country.

"Class divides and cultural capital are of considerable importance for children and young people's access to culture," she said in a statement to SVT.

The post of Minister of Culture is discussed

Today, the role of Minister of Culture is shouldered by the Green Party's Amanda Lind.

But there are voices within the Social Democrats who believe that the party should take back the post.

- That question comes up, we members really want it.

And at Kulturarbetarnas socialdemokratiska förening, of which I am a member, that question has been up for a long time, said Eva Carlsson Hallberg, during the congress.

Hear more about the decisions in the clip above.