There are local, regional and global factors that prevent and narrow the chances of military coups in Sudan.

The glorious December revolution and the new definition of Sudan and Africa towards European national security and world peace building;

Things that limit the futility of the regional agents of the colonial powers in Sudan.

We have previously discussed the main ideas in this article in previous articles, focusing on the local factors in Sudan, and today we briefly address the regional and global factors through an axis titled “The New Definition of Sudan and Africa and their Role in European National Security and Building Global Peace.”

Facts, data and sound political sense confirm that there is no room for any military coup in Sudan, after the glorious "December Revolution". And if the coup takes place from any adventurous officer who himself speaks out of ignorance and ignorance, it will not pass and will go before the completion of the first week, and the masses will snatch their freedom and dignity with pride and dignity. This is because the revolution and the yearning for change, freedom and liberation have become like oxygen in the skies of Sudan, and like blood flowing in the veins of the body. Everyone seeks change and liberation and works for it, whether in the Nuba Mountains, Darfur, the Blue Nile, or in eastern, northern and central Sudan. Everyone has become a guardian of the revolution, and a worker and is waiting for change. There is no chance for a coup by the Sudanese armed forces or a regional agent of the international colonial powers to tamper with the interests and yearnings of the Sudanese people for independence, freedom and change.

and above all; The Sudanese woman was the title of the glorious “December Revolution,” and when the Sudanese woman came out for the revolution and change, the “Kandaka” voice came out from the hollow of history, calling in today’s language for the sake of revolution and change, “My right to the gallows and the cannon is a bereaved father.” Who can claim that freedom is sacrificed for less than precious souls? As the Sudanese humanist thinker Mahmoud Mohamed Taha said. The woman is the owner of the right and interest in the change, and the owner of the pain in the price of change. The son, daughter, husband and father died in the glorious “December Revolution.” There is no room for retreat and no place for fear of any adventurous officer who does not lack ignorance. The youth and the Canadians have wrested freedom with their blood, they have beaten, cut and killed, but they have not retreated or been defeated. They have won and the world has witnessed the epic. What is our duty? The duty is to honor the martyrs and their blood, with work and work and then work for revolution and change.

There is no doubt that the instability of Sudan casts a shadow over its African surroundings, especially the Horn of Africa region, which depends on it for its food security. Natural resources in its name to be included in its national production

The glorious "December Revolution" and the new history of human revolutions

The giant Sudanese people deposited in the record of human revolutions the greatest painting in the revolutionary history of the peoples, whose strength was peace, consensus and strength of will, and its motto was "freedom, peace and justice."

The revolution erupted on December 19, 2018, and continued over 142 days of continuous and timely revolutionary movement with a commitment to peace and insistence on confrontation.

The Sudanese people were going out in huge and peaceful mass rallies, which were described by some international media as being large and peaceful, representing a new history of human revolutions.

This revolutionary movement remained with such determination, vitality and vigor until the tyrannical regime collapsed and fell on April 11, 2019. The sacrifices were great.

What does sacrifice for the country mean?

Sacrifice for the sake of the homeland prevents opportunism in political practice

In the popular "December 19 Revolution", the Sudanese youth made a sacrifice that Sudan had never seen before. It is a sacrifice for the sake of the revolution. It is inseparable from the sacrifices of the advocates of change from the independence of Sudan, and it is also inseparable from the sacrifices of the armed struggle revolutions in the various regions of Sudan. The youth faced the regime's oppression and cruelty with bare chests, and remained ready to face death, in this devotion to Sudan and a rare sense of unity of destiny. The level of sacrifice made by the Sudanese youth was something new in the history of Sudan since its independence. The absence of the victim for the sake of Sudan - as Mahmoud Muhammad Taha sees it - begets opportunism. He spoke, saying that sacrifice prevents opportunism in political practice.

The glorious "December Revolution" seeks to complete the independence of Sudan with a new awareness. The revolution expressed the revolution of minds, where the new awareness and the redefinition of Sudanese subjectivity, along with the longing for liberation from the guardians of minds. The revolutionary tide - as a human condition that seeks change and liberation - has been enabled in Sudan. All we need is to work on intellectualization/rationalization of the revolution; To be on the verge of the explosion of the "Great Revolution" that Mahmoud Muhammad Taha referred to, and made clear that it is a revolution that will ignite in the minds of the masses, and its goal is a comprehensive and radical change, and nothing separates us from it, except for the moment of consensus, and the intellectuals doing their duty to ignite it in the minds of the masses. Whenever the Great Revolution takes place - now or independently - the administration of Sudan will be based on cultural pluralism, the values ​​of democracy, freedom, social justice and human dignity, among the ABCs of the political and intellectual movement, and then unity will be achieved between the different regions of Sudan, including its south, which chose the name ""The Republic of South Sudan” for his country, and in this a future prophecy of a coming unit, which was referred to by Mahmoud Mohamed Taha.

The new definition of Sudan and Africa and their role towards European national security and global peace building

There is no doubt that the instability of Sudan casts a shadow on its African surroundings, especially the Horn of Africa region, which depends on it for its food security. This dependence on Sudan extends to large parts of Africa, as well as the Arab environment. There are even countries that re-export Sudanese agricultural and animal products - As well as natural resources - in its name to be included in its national production!

In addition, the instability of Sudan has directly affected Europe and its security. Rather, the instability of Sudan means, for Europe, the instability of large parts of Africa, which means a threat to European national security, and reflects the unity of the common destiny of humanity.

The unity of the common destiny of humanity - whose features have begun to manifest itself in human society - has created new conditions in building regional and international relations. The challenges facing humanity - whether the challenge of the Corona pandemic (Covid-19) that the world is experiencing today or the challenge of “terrorism” or those challenges that Africa is experiencing and facing due to instability - are no longer confined to its geographical space or its cultural orbit, but rather has become transcending geographical borders. and cultural barriers, which confirms the reality of the common destiny of all humanity.

The outbreak of wars in Africa, the exacerbation of conflicts in it, and the instability in its societies, whether due to conflicts or famines, is no longer a local or African affair, but rather a European affair par excellence. The absence of peaceful coexistence and instability in Africa - as is the case in the Horn of Africa or West Africa - means the flow of African youth across the Mediterranean towards Europe, which has become a threat to European security, and a challenge to the human rights values ​​that Europe boasts of crystallizing and converting it into the world, As well as the challenge resulting from the formation of a European public opinion against immigration. And this public opinion - represented in the increasing influence of "populism" - did not stop at Europe, but crossed it to the United States, which poses a threat to world peace. This was clearly demonstrated in the era of former US President Donald Trump.

Also, Africa is no longer the Africa that Europe knew and dealt with during the colonial era as a source of bounties and wealth. Rather, there is a new definition of Africa for Europe and for the world as well. The new definition of Africa does not return to the growth of the moral sense of Europe that colonized Africa, although humanity is proceeding in its natural development towards the humanization of life. to the "new spatial environment challenges". Africa today has become the guarantor of Europe's national security, and a powerful player in building regional and global peace. Relations between Europe and Africa are doomed to transcend traditional modes of cooperation, as they have become addressed to achieving European national security.

Therefore, it needs new forms of cooperation, by moving from traditional relations based on mutual benefits to building partnerships for growth and development with the aim of achieving stability in Africa, and thus achieving European security.

This also fulfills Europe's moral duty towards Africa;

The field and warehouse of Europe's colonial legacy.

(A part of this article is an extract from a scientific paper under preparation entitled “Africa and Europe: After the Thought of Colonial Reconciliation - The Data of Planetary Unity and the Challenges of the New Spatial Environment, the Unity of a Common Destiny and the Role of the Mediterranean in Adapting Regional Relations.” It is a paper that comes from the vision of Sudanese humanitarian thinker Mahmoud Mohamed Taha towards the challenges of the new spatial environment and the requirements of new patterns of cooperation between the countries of the world).