How to protect cultural relics out of the "small horse-drawn cart" dilemma

  Recently, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage stated that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, it will vigorously cultivate new talents, strengthen team building, and strive to increase the number of cultural relics scientific research personnel by 25% by 2025, and get out of the "small horse-drawn cart" dilemma.

  Compared with the “big car” of my country’s cultural relics protection, the talent gap is indeed worthy of attention.

The cultural relics restoration system conducted in 2015 for the first time surveyed the national cultural relics restoration personnel and estimated that the national cultural relics conservation and restoration personnel gap is about 26,000.

According to the data bulletin of the first national survey of movable cultural relics released in 2017, nearly 40% of the cultural relics need to be restored.

Every year, the number of cultural relics to be restored is increasing at a rate of more than 3 million pieces (sets).

The number of cultural relics practitioners has increased by 90% since 2007. However, there is still a high shortage of talents for cultural relics protection.

  Last year, Zhong Fangrong, a left-behind girl in Leiyang, Hunan, got a score of 676 in the college entrance examination, but she was "upset" and chose to major in archaeology at Peking University.

There was an uproar in public opinion for a while, and many netizens were very puzzled about this: Why did the high-scoring champion choose not to choose a good popular major, but choose the "unpopular", "uncommon" and "no future" archaeology?

The public's response precisely reflects the current talent plight of my country on issues related to cultural relics protection.

  To solve the talent dilemma, we must first get rid of the prejudice in public ideology.

Cultural relics and history are fresh, but only by approaching the public can they generate more emotional connections and provide a more friendly public opinion environment for talent training, instead of mechanically labeling the work related to cultural relics protection. Wait for the label.

  Dialogue with history in the depths of time can make cultural relics "out of the circle" and have the magical effect of "singling a thousand catties".

In 2016, the documentary "I Repair Cultural Relics in the Forbidden City" became popular.

After that, the "recruitment ratio" of the National Palace Museum's restoration engineer was comparable to that of popular national civil servant positions.

In 2019, it has reached 88 places and attracted more than 40,000 people to sign up.

  After thinking about it carefully, it is not difficult to discover: in recent years, people's enthusiasm for archaeology and cultural relics has increased.

The popularity of a series of works such as "I Repair Cultural Relics in the Forbidden City" and "National Treasures" has rekindled the public's enthusiasm for dusty history; the increasingly frequent cultural relics exhibitions in museums are attracting more and more audiences to stop and watch; this year, the heavy rain in Shanxi The disaster-stricken ancient buildings also touched the hearts of countless people.

Retaining the hearts of the public is an important step in the protection of cultural relics, and it is a prelude to the concept of cultivating cultural relics protection talents for the society.

  The shortage of talents has always been a bottleneck restricting the development of cultural relics protection. Improving the talent selection and training mechanism is the most critical breakthrough.

  The protection of cultural relics is unique, involving basic theories, materials, and craftsmanship. It should be an interdisciplinary subject.

But at present, there is still a certain gap in my country's training system.

On the one hand, some universities and museums rarely have specialized educational institutions for the protection and restoration of cultural relics.

On the other hand, in many colleges and universities, majors related to cultural relics protection are still linked to disciplines such as history, archaeology, art, and chemistry. The training system for theoretical talents and restoration talents is fragmented, and it is difficult to meet actual work needs.

  In this regard, in addition to expanding the scale of university training, it is also necessary to improve the talent training mechanism, such as strengthening the joint talent training with museums, and realizing the coordination of theoretical and practical work.

In addition, it is possible to explore diverse talent management mechanisms that adapt to the characteristics of the cultural and museum industry, and guide more social entities to join the cultural relics protection team and participate in archaeological investigations and exploration-related work.

  In the final analysis, all-round talent protection is the ultimate magic weapon to retain cultural relics protection talents.

  Chang Fei Source: China Youth Daily