The Moscow mayor's office decided not to extend the weekend.

Sobyanin explained this decision by stabilizing the dynamics of morbidity, detection and hospitalization of severe patients with coronavirus.

The numbers and the truth are not that life-affirming, but at least stable, have stopped growing. This gives hope that these seven days of "coviculum" will be enough to recover and at the same time have time to work and earn money before December, when usually there is no strength and desire to do anything at all. Very soon we will have a season called "Come on after the New Year."

Then, in the middle of November and December, the economy and business of the city will not have time to recover. At the same time, it will be possible to insure against the increase in the number of cases of coronavirus due to the long weekend in January. Hope. Well, or in the end, the next weekend, I will definitely not get angry in that case and I will understand everything. After all, it is better to save yourself with frequent and shock measures than to constantly quarantine in fear of getting sick. And the situation could be dealt with in a completely different way, if our fellow citizens, without outside help and instructions issued from above, would continue to behave adequately and in proportion to what is happening. In short, if everyone wore masks, were vaccinated and did not show off, then no one would introduce any days off. And since they do not understand in an amicable way, they have to influence by such measures.

Despite the imminent end of the weekend, we still do not need to forget about the already familiar preventive measures in the form of social distance, in some cases isolation, vaccinations, and so on. Returning to normal life should still be accompanied by responsibility for oneself and for each other. The case when the "usual" is not the usual one that we could have hoped for six months or a year ago. It will never be like before. Now the usual is like this - with masks, disinfection and permanent days off. 

Some of the employees of enterprises remain at a remote mode of work, although, as for me, this should have become the norm for a long time, because remote work not only reduces costs, for example, for renting work premises, but also in some cases increases the productivity coefficient. Even before the outbreak of the pandemic, many studies have shown the positive effect of a free schedule on the overall mood and, accordingly, the performance of workers, by the way, as well as the lack of the ability to procrastinate over a cup of coffee and a cigarette. Now, on the one hand, I am waiting for new research papers on this topic, on the other, the numbers will not be entirely correct, because in order to survive in these conditions, many enterprises have to work at their maximum, trying to work out past covid crises and stock up on the future. what if there will be new quarantines and lockdowns.Fitting and adapting is the new black. 

Elderly and people with chronic illnesses should also continue to take special precautions.

By the way, if only for the sake of them alone, you need to be vaccinated and be twice complicit.

And inveterate theatergoers and art-seekers for visiting cinemas, theaters and museums can attend to obtaining a QR code, that is, (by choosing the safest of all available methods) to be vaccinated.

I would even like to discern some irony in the current history: it turns out that in order to remain enlightened and spiritualized, one cannot be an anti-Axer.

But doubts remain whether an anti-Vaxer can initially be a hostage of great knowledge and spirit.

This is how it usually happens: a person with great knowledge will strongly doubt this, while a stupid and ignorant person will be sure of his own righteousness. 

Still, I want to believe that over time everyone will change their minds and learn some important lesson.

After all, if this is not done, then fate in the face of power will have to hammer this lesson into force again.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.