In his book "Who Rules the World", Noam Chomsky says that the United States is in a state of decline and decline, and this portends the possibility of its final demise one day.

Chomsky adds that the pace of this decline has already begun from the moment the United States reached the height of its power after World War II, and the rhetoric of a time of victories.

But despite America's decline and decline, there is no competitor for the foreseeable future to take its place as a global hegemon.

The chronic debt crisis in America has become serious, as the national debt has doubled, and this has led to an increase in the level of risks threatening the American economy, and the increasing unemployment rate is one of the most important of these risks.

The time of exciting stories

“There was a period of euphoria after the collapse of the hostile superpower [the Soviet Union],” Chomsky says. “It was an era full of exciting tales of the end of history. But wise voices in the American political elite saw that the United States was on its way to becoming the “evil superpower.”

Anti-American public opinion has increased in the Arab world in particular, as polls showed that Arab public opinion views the United States as a major threat, and that if real democracies are established, it will be expelled from the region;

This explains the US support for authoritarian, dictatorial regimes in the Arab world, and its support for the military coup in Egypt, because the Egyptian people expressed their will by electing President Mohamed Morsi, who wanted to lead Egypt to break its dependence on America, achieve comprehensive independence, and manufacture medicine, weapons and food.

This shows the American hypocrisy and double standards, and that its call to build democratic systems was false.. Thus, America is no longer the model country that is based on human principles, and the mental image that it succeeded in building collapsed.

America's practices in the past decade have made it clear that it is a pragmatic state that refuses to allow peoples to enjoy their rights to establish their independent democratic systems of government, and that it supports tyranny that achieves its interests and imposes subordination on peoples.

costs of wars

One of the most important factors leading to the decline of the United States is the cost of Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which Noam Chomsky estimates at 4.4 trillion dollars.

Chomsky believes that this constitutes a victory for Osama bin Laden, whose declared goal was to bankrupt America by luring it into a trap he set for it. This led to an increase in taxes and disruption of social programs on which a large segment of Americans depend.

The chronic debt crisis in America has become serious, as the size of the national debt has doubled, and this has led to raising the level of risks threatening the American economy, and the increasing unemployment rate is one of the most important of these risks.

Therefore, the US administration is trying to raise the debt ceiling as the only alternative to default, and this will cause more damage to an increasingly weak economy.


Noam Chomsky believes that American power in the world is in a state of constant decline, as it has become unable to impose its will, and at the same time, American society is in a state of decline and decline, as the vast majority of the population faces problems related to survival.

admit defeat

Chomsky says, "It has become difficult to cover up the results of the US defeat in Iraq... Therefore, the Foreign Affairs magazine carried a headline: (Is America over?) and answered that wars consume the country's wealth."

But the matter does not stop there. Chomsky says that public opinion polls show that the United States is the greatest threat to world peace, but this important information has been hidden from the Americans, so who has the interest in obscuring these facts?

There is an exciting statement by the former US ambassador to the United Nations, in which she says, “When the United States launches an invasion of a country, it leaves thousands of dead and millions of refugees, in addition to the brutal torture and terrible destruction that the Iraqis compared to the Mongol invasion that made Iraq the most miserable and miserable country in the world, in The time you are fanning the flames of sectarian conflicts that are tearing the region to shreds."

All of this confirms Huntington's description of the United States as "the number one evil country", and that it is the single greatest threat to the world.

Noam Chomsky adds that the US leadership insists that America retain the right to resort to unilateral force.

Clinton instituted the doctrine of the unilateral use of military force to ensure easy access to key markets, energy and strategic resources, and this doctrine has been confirmed in practice.

Lords of the world

Chomsky describes multinational conglomerates, large financial institutions, and retail empires as masters of the world, and their behavior is based on the principle of “everything for us, nothing for others”.

Noam Chomsky says that the war on terror has quickly turned into a destructive criminal war that is afflicting Central America, Africa and the Middle East with dire consequences that are still reverberating at the present time.

The United States was determined to flex its muscles, score a victory, and frighten everyone in the world.

In the contemporary world order, these companies, which Chomsky describes as “the institutions of the masters,” possess huge power and influence on the international scene, and within their mother countries, which they rely on to protect their power and influence and to provide them with economic support through a variety of means.

These companies enforced the FTA in a style that Chomsky describes as Stalinist, and debate and discussion about it have been curbed.

This led to the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a small handful of beneficiaries and beneficiaries while undermining the pillars of true democracy.

under pressure

These major companies have put countries under severe pressure, as these countries are no longer the actors in international affairs. The interests of these companies affect the American political decision, and America's relations with the countries of the world.

These companies push the American system to use hard power to achieve its interests, and to subjugate the countries of the world so that they are forced to open their markets to these companies, privatize their economy, and prevent the possibilities of achieving development in these countries that can exploit raw materials.

Therefore, the global war on terrorism launched by America and its allies constituted a veil that hid the real goals, the most important of which is the imposition of capitalist control over the world and the realization of the interests of transnational corporations.

Noam Chomsky says that the war on terror has quickly turned into a destructive criminal war that is afflicting Central America, Africa and the Middle East with dire consequences that are still reverberating at the present time.

The United States was determined to flex its muscles, score a victory, and frighten everyone in the world.

major crime

Noam Chomsky also describes the US invasion of Iraq as a major crime of the 20th century, as this invasion resulted in the annihilation of hundreds of thousands in a country whose civil society was already destroyed by US sanctions, which is a "mass slaughter".

The invasion created millions of refugees, devastated the entire country, and fanned the flames of sectarian hatreds that are now tearing apart Iraq and the entire region.

Public opinion polls conducted by the Pentagon in Iraq showed that 80% of Iraqis reject the American presence in their country, and support the attack on American forces.

Therefore, in Iraq, the United States suffered a severe defeat, as it abandoned its war aims, and left Iraq under the authority of the sole victor, Iran.

The result of the American war on terrorism - according to a census carried out by a group of human rights organizations - was the killing of about 1.3 million people, and the outcome could reach two million, and thus this war became the main source of violence in the world and this led to the growing hatred of the world's population for the United States.

These are some of the factors that Noam Chomsky believes that lead to the decline of the United States of America, but we can add to them new factors, the most important of which is that the American system abandoned the principles formulated by the founding fathers, so America set out to destroy countries, and kill millions by using its brute force to impose its control, and achieve interests of its transnational corporations.

As a result of the American control, poverty has increased in the world, and it is certain that these poor people will soon overcome their fear and explode in the face of America and all Western colonial countries.

If America succeeded in suppressing the revolutions of the Arab Spring, by using coups, supporting tyranny and supplying Haftar with weapons to destroy Libya, the awareness of the peoples is increasing that America is the one who destroyed their hopes and destroyed their democratic experiences, shed blood, plundered wealth, and impoverished millions who are now sleeping on the fold. They have no choice but to go out with their stones, or with their bare chests, to defend their right to life, and to stone tyrants.

This is the most important factor that will lead to the decline of the United States and the colonial countries of the West;

Revolutions are undoubtedly coming, but how can we guarantee their peace?!