, Hong Kong, October 31. Starting from this school year, Hong Kong S4 has begun to implement the Civil and Social Development Division (Civilization Division) to replace the original General Education Division. The Director of the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Yang Runxiong posted a post on social platforms on the 31st Said that the implementation of the Citizenship Section has had preliminary results.

Yang Runxiong, Director of the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, visited Chuangzhi Middle School a few days ago to learn about the preparation and implementation of the civics course of the school.

Photo by Yang Runxiong's social media account

  Yang Runxiong said that the civics course not only strengthens students’ knowledge base, allows them to better understand Hong Kong, the country and the world’s issues, but also reduces their pressure on examinations, frees up class time, and creates space for students so that the entire high school curriculum can be better. planning.

With the efforts of the school staff, it now appears that there have been preliminary results.

Yang Runxiong, Director of the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, visited Chuangzhi Middle School a few days ago to learn about the preparation and implementation of the civics course of the school.

Photo by Yang Runxiong's social media account

  A few days ago, Yang Runxiong visited Chuangzhi Middle School and learned that the school had launched a comprehensive plan for civics in the previous school year, and prepared teaching materials, lesson plans and related learning activities according to the curriculum framework.

Yang Runxiong also asked his classmates about the learning situation. Hong Junxi said that in addition to the elements of national education, the civics subject also involves knowledge of other subjects, and the content is very attractive.

Yinger Ye feels that the "up to standards" rating of the Citizenship Subject can reduce the pressure of examinations, and streamlining the curriculum can also allow students to spend time on elective subjects and increase their future options.

Yang Runxiong believes that it can be seen that the students have fully grasped the benefits of citizenship.

  Yang Runxiong also revealed that the Education Bureau is providing necessary support for civics teachers, including issuing curriculum and assessment guidelines, continuing to organize teacher professional development courses, and successively uploading learning and teaching resources to the civics online resource platform, and establishing a "applicable bibliography list" ", and to provide schools with a lump-sum subsidy of 300,000 Hong Kong dollars this school year, etc., to ensure that the courses can be implemented smoothly.

The Education Bureau will continue to work with schools to implement the objectives of civics through school visits and inspections, and to promote the effectiveness of students' learning.
