Figure of conspiratorial circles, Rémy Daillet was placed in police custody Tuesday as well as his secretary for plans for coups d'état and violent actions, we learned Thursday from sources close to the file confirming information from the Parisian .

Suspected of having organized the kidnapping in the spring of little Mia, Rémy Daillet was taken from his cell on Tuesday to be taken into police custody, this time for "plans for coups d'état and other violent actions" including an attack on a Masonic lodge in eastern France, a source close to the file said.

His secretary, Ginette M. was also arrested on Tuesday and placed in police custody, the same source added.

By the Web

Hashtags, conspiracy theories… Anti-Semitism thrives among young people because of social networks


Mia affair: Four relatives of the conspirator Rémy Daillet arrested by the DGSI

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