5 minutes

The duty to prevent to protect society


Alaa Jarrad


October 18 2021

Many countries strive to combat terrorism and extremism, which has crossed all borders, and strenuous efforts to control terrorism depend on reaching its roots, and focusing on prevention and prevention, as well as treatment and punishment. The UAE issued Law No. 7 of 2014 on combating terrorist crimes, and in the United Kingdom issued The Security and Combating Terrorism Law of 2015, and the law refers to the duty to prevent, as it stipulates that the authorities and the various concerned authorities take into account the prevention of individuals from being drawn into terrorism.

The law aims to disrupt the ability of individuals to travel abroad to engage in terrorist activity and return home, enhance the ability of enforcement agencies to monitor the actions of those who pose a threat, as well as combat the underlying ideology that fuels, supports, and punishes terrorism.

The law gives police the power to temporarily confiscate passports at the border, so they can investigate suspicious individuals, improve law enforcement's ability to know who is sending Internet communications, and enhance aviation, navy, rail security, and many other goals.

But it is important to note that terrorism is a natural consequence of extremism, which can be defined as an open or active opposition to core values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual freedom, mutual respect and tolerance of different religions and beliefs, and any encouragement to kill members of the armed forces.

Radicalization is a process that contains phases, takes time and is not a sudden event, during which process behaviors and opinions are likely to change, and these changes can be apparent to the family, friends and co-workers of the person concerned.

Since terrorism is a natural result of extremism, it is therefore important to focus on the processes of transformation of individuals from a normal state to a state of extremism, and although changes in behavior can be the result of other changes in an individual’s life or circumstances, there are a number of behavioral indicators that may justify concern That the individual has become extremist, or is about to be drawn into extremism, for example, noticeable changes in behavior and mood, advocacy and expression of support for violence and terrorism, expression of extremist political views, seeking to influence or persuade others to adopt extremist political views, changes in appearance, major change In friends and social circles, spending most of the time alone, possession of violent or extremist literature.

Hence, it is clear that we all have to join hands and pay attention to our children and our social environment if we see some of these indications of someone we know, especially university students.

Universities have been specifically referred to in the British government’s strategy in the duty to prevent due to the nature of academic activity, which calls for freedom of expression, as well as the freedom to choose research topics, so educational institutions in general, and universities in particular, are more concerned with implementing the prevention strategy than authorities On the other hand, prevention is better than cure, and statistically speaking, most terrorist crimes are committed by people under the age of 30.

God save our countries.

• We all have to join hands and pay attention to our children and our social environment if we see some of these indications of someone we know, especially university students.



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