Is it true that the victim of the Temple C death case died because of his mother?

On the 16th SBS 'I want to know' broadcasted the confession and 2,000 beatings - The truth about the death of Temple C in Qingdao was lit up with the subtitle of the death of Temple C.

In August of last year, Kim Soo-hyuk, 36, died at a temple in Cheongdo-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do. His cause of death was secondary shock death due to excessive internal bleeding from beating. And it was none other than Mr. Kim's mother who made him like this.

After being beaten to the body more than 2,000 times over two and a half hours without any resistance, Kim was left unattended for an hour and eventually died. The mother who caused her son to die has released several documents saying that it was to discipline her son.

What Su-hyeok's mother took out was a suicide note left by Su-hyeok. The autobiography contained an unbelievable confession of self-harm, molestation, and extortion at the temple. Su-hyeok's mother claimed that her son had committed a serious crime at the temple and was beaten to punish him for his son's death.

But my father thought differently. He insisted on suspicions about the temple, saying that not only his wife was responsible for the death of his son, but also the temple. And he said that the contents of his son's statement made no sense and suspected that all the incidents had to do with the temple's governor and temple officials.

Kim's mother drew a line saying that the temple had nothing to do with her son's death. The mother, who gained mental and physical stability thanks to the prayer of the chief priest of Temple C, whom she met through the introduction of an acquaintance, chose to separate due to conflict with her husband. He said that he lived and went back and forth between the temple and his family.

Afterwards, her mother returned home due to her husband's injury. However, at this time, Suhyeok, who is a deaf grade 5, had trouble finding a job and had a conflict with his father.

Su-hyeok's mother said that her son, Soo-hyeok, caused a problem less than ten days after he entered the temple. Su-hyeok, who went to and from female followers, masturbated and buried semen in his underwear. When the production team asked if it was filmed on CCTV, the mother said, "I didn't film what I was doing inside, but I was filmed going in and out of the room. That's why he wrote a self-confidence because he asked me to write what I did wrong."

In particular, in the self-report, it was written that Mr. Soo-hyuk pretended to be deaf. My mother said, "It was all a show. I was surprised to see this too." In addition, in the self-confidence, the sexual acts, lies, and plans for the future were all written in shocking information. After the divorce of his parents, he planned to induce his father to commit suicide, and it was also reported that he had sexually resolved his mother as well.

The mother said that after receiving a report of Mr. Su-hyeok's such an incident from the temple, she went to the temple and scolded her son. And on the day of her death, her mother received a call from a monk asking her to take Mr. Su-hyeok, so she was impatient and went to the temple.

Su-hyeok's self-report, which was written a total of six times, was analyzed and as a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that Su-hyeok's handwriting was correct. However, it made me tilt my head over the authenticity of the statement. Su-hyeok, whom his acquaintances remember, is a completely different person from the contents of his self-report. He was kind enough to feel like a fool and worked hard for the future.

And the acquaintances suggested that Su-hyeok, who was sick, said that the monk at the temple was ill because of his family and that he should come to the temple. In addition, Su-hyeok, who entered the temple, informed his acquaintances that he was framed for sexual harassment at the temple after a while. Suhyuk, who said that Temple C is a special temple. Temple C, even the residents of the neighborhood where the temple is located are unaware of the reality.

Su-hyeok's father also claimed that his son's death was related to insurance. He suspected that the beneficiary and contractor of the driver's insurance contracted two months before his son's death was the temple's priest's wife. However, the police said that they only provided driver insurance for the beekeeping business conducted by the temple, and there was no part that could be considered an insurance crime.

So, the production team tried to meet the monk and his wife in person to hear the story. The monk's wife refused to answer, saying that she would spare no words for Soo-hyuk. After persuasion, the monk's wife decided to accept the interview. However, on the day of the interview, he said that the interview was difficult. And seeing the believers rushing to somewhere, I felt an unusual atmosphere.

The next day, through the police, we found out the reality of the unusual thing that happened at the temple. That the governor made an extreme choice. It is said that he took his own life when the prosecution's search and seizure of Su-hyeok's death case proceeded. In the video, he drew attention by leaving a will that said that he was completely unrelated to Su-hyeok's death, but that the prosecution had even touched his private life.

Afterwards, Su-hyeok's mother was found guilty of fatal injury in the first trial and was sentenced to 7 years in prison. And the production staff confirmed an unexpected fact from the indictment written in the judgment. It is said that assaults and religious ceremonies in the nude took place in the name of spiritual treatment among insiders within the temple.

To confirm this fact, the production team visited the temple again. The monk's wife claimed injustice, saying that she has been living like hell since the day Suhyuk came to the temple. In addition, he emphasized once again that the death of the governor had nothing to do with Su-hyeok's case, and said that all of the assault and sexual allegations against the temple were false.

During the interview, the production team met a informant who said they were well aware of Temple C. Park Jin-woo said that he also wrote an autobiography written by Su-hyeok. He first went to a temple when he was in 5th grade and lived there for about 8 years. And the temple life he experienced was tainted with violence. It is said that he often witnessed not only himself, but also the monk monk assaulting his followers.

After leaving the temple, Jin-woo thought the misfortune was over. However, for some reason three years ago, his older sister entered the temple and began to live, and in 2019, he said that he heard an absurd story. The governor accused him of committing lewd acts toward his sister. The interrogation continued for a week or two, followed by assaults by the monk and his followers. And that my sister also drove him away saying that Jinwoo did it at some point. Jinwoo, in desperation, acknowledged and apologized for what he did not do to avoid violence.

And he said that he wrote the memorandum as his father told him to write a memorandum about his sister who said that he would cut off ties with his family if he wrote the memorandum. Jinwoo speculated that Suhyuk must have been in the same situation as him.

Experts analyzed Su-hyeok's self-portrait, saying, "It's an unreliable article. It feels like it's not an article that sat alone and organized thoughts, but something that came out in a dictionary." . And it was assumed that the reason for writing the affidavit was to create evidence.

Then, why did Jin-woo's older sister force her to write a memorandum for something that didn't even exist? The expert said, "This is a typical memory operation. A person who trusts 'this must have happened to you' continues to say, 'This must have happened to you' while injecting contextual information into chunks that did not exist but were likely to exist. New memories are created through the suggestive information delivered by the interrogators about vague things.” Even in Suhyuk's mother's case, she firmly believed in the contents of the statement, although she had never witnessed or experienced anything herself.

The expert raised suspicions, saying, "The pattern of Suhyeok and Jinwoo's cases are very similar, because they were planned by the same person." "A monk and his wife are at the top of the two cases."

And the production team found the clue through the conversation between the monk and his wife when Suhyeok's mother was questioned by the police without being detained. The master monk and his wife filled up the memories of the day with his mother several times. And the reason why my mother assaulted Su-hyeok was also given.

The production team that my mother met earlier. The story my mother told the production crew was very similar to what the monk and his wife told their mother. Also, my mother was busy with the temple and the monks throughout the conversation. In response, the expert said that it seems that he was blindly believing the words of the monk, who is an absolute authority. After that, the monk and his wife hinted at the mother's statement so that they would not be at a disadvantage in the death of Su-hyeok.

And last winter, the prosecution conducted a search and seizure of the temple for Su-hyeok's case, and found Jin-woo's suicide note and investigated him as a reference. Then his sister and father shocked him by submitting a statement and a petition stating that Jin-woo sexually assaulted his sister.

Jin-woo, who had been living with sever ties with his family, burst into tears after seeing the statement written by his father and sister. When his mother passed away from cancer when he was in the 3rd grade of elementary school, he told him that he had no family. He said, "To be honest, the PD-nim I saw for the first time today is more like a family. It's disgusting, people called family."

Jinwoo brought up another story about the temple. He said, "It's a strange place," and said that he had an exorcism ceremony at the temple saying that he had a ghost. The governor said that he did exorcism and qigong.

So, what kind of place is Temple C? Temple C was not affiliated with the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, but belonged to a sect bearing the name of a 'similar Jogye Order'. A couple of priests who went to receive donations as monks in the past, they at some point ran a special temple that performed exorcism rituals and qigong.

Regarding the incomprehensible behavior of the master monk and his wife, the expert said, "Becoming omnipotent. To become a being capable of exploiting the labor force of all members and possessing them as irresistible beings. In order to do that, you have to induce extreme fear in them. Wouldn't it be safe to think that it is safer under the monk's safe wings and not think about anything else?"He added that some logic of scapegoating young men seems to have been shared.

Another expert said, "There is a strange joy that comes from people who believe, follow, and follow what I say. However, Mr. Soo-hyeok, who they think, has scratched the mark with lies. So, by writing an autobiography and revenge for that, we It is highly likely that it was worthwhile to them just to convince them that their revenge and anger towards the child were justified.”

And what is the mother's mentality to protect the temple even after killing her son with her own hands?

An expert said, "The free decision-making right may have already been deprived of this group. He must have mechanically assaulted his son through coercion, tacit instructions and persuasion." It can be seen that all of them were directly or indirectly influenced by them as accomplices,” he said.

A representative of a sect who gave a monk's certificate to the head of Temple C.

He said that he wanted to join the club, and he just paid a certain registration fee and gave up the victory.

In addition, it was confirmed that anyone can register for the group by paying only the registration fee, but management is not performed.

Also, local governments did not manage individual temples.

In response, the experts raised their voices that a law that can punish and manage wrongdoings within religion should be enacted as soon as possible, and that a systemic device to change it to a permit system, rather than registration if a private inspectorate only reports it, is needed.

(SBS Entertainment News Editor Kim Hyo-jeong)