At the initiative of the City of Malmö and in connection with the international Holocaust conference that is now being held in Malmö, the memorial concert Remember wants to call for an open and inclusive society free from anti-Semitism.

One of the participants is 21-year-old Maria Kelber, who wrote a text about her own experiences as the daughter of a Holocaust survivor.

- My father came to Sweden in 1968 together with many other Jews who had to endure a lot of racism and anti-Semitism during that time and it has shaped my life very much to be the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, says Mira Kelber who is also chairman of Jewish Youth in Malmö (JUM).

She continues:

- For me, it is very important to talk about the Holocaust and to give the stories from the Holocaust a voice.

As more and more eyewitnesses die, it is the second generation, me and everyone else's turn, to tell what happened so that we never forget.

See the entire report in the cultural program Sweden!

October 16 at 19.00 on SVT1 or on SVT Play.