His dream suddenly collapsed to make way for another.

Silvère Jarrosson was about to join the Paris Opera ballet and was preparing for a role as a soloist, when he felt pain in his hip: “I wasn't worried because it often happens to have a little bobo on the right, on the left.

I was still not going to give up a few days before the show.

In reality, it was much more serious than that.

Silvère ignores his pain and finds himself in the hospital the days following the performance.

It is a serious infection: the doctors put a hip prosthesis on him.

The young man will not be a dancer.

But he meets painting thanks to a friend: “A kind of click occurs and the next day, I went to buy brushes, tubes, frames and I started painting in my room, at my parents' place.

Today, Silvère devotes himself to ballets with his works.

He runs the paint on the canvas with graceful movements: "There was a little this idea for me to find what I was doing in dance, that is to say precise, worked gestures, which put time, which we do not always succeed obviously, but which allow us to regain a little control over certain aspects of the canvas.

»Silvère Jarrosson dances with his canvas in the video of our partner Brut.

  • Video

  • Artist

  • Dance

  • Art

  • Opera

  • Raw

  • Culture

  • Artwork

  • Paint

  • Paris opera