Recently, a mounted policeman in Kaili, Guizhou, patrolling urban streets, accidentally slipped and fell on the carriageway due to a slippery road on a rainy day.

Immediately after she fell, the drivers of the private cars and taxis around her got out of the car and came to provide assistance without hesitation. Everyone enthusiastically asked the Mounted Police about the injuries and helped to transfer the fallen police car to the side of the road, and then hurried. Leaving... Regarding the heart-warming scene that happened to him, the Mounted Policeman Yang Dongdong said that the town was sentimental, and he was very moved at that moment.

At the same time, in her view, the relationship between the police and the people is not only the law enforcer and the person subject to law enforcement, but we are more like partners living together in this city.

(Gu Fei produced Pu Wensi's video source, Kaili Rong Media Center)

Editor in charge: [Liu Xingchen]