SVG posters, look, these spirits in the Party History Exhibition Hall are shining

  To understand the Communist Party of China, one must understand the spirit of the Communist Party of China.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the reason why our party has been vigorous and vigorous after a hundred years, and has survived hardships, is because of such a strong spirit of revolution and hard work.

  In the magnificent Chinese Communist Party History Exhibition Hall, along the visiting route, we saw these spirits one by one, felt the baptism from these spirits, and absorbed the power of these spirits.

  Please click on the picture to list the spiritual connotation and learn the classic elaboration.

Director system: Chen Kaixing and Zhou Liang

  Producer: Ge Subiao Ling Weijia

  Planning: Chen Zhichun and Yang Xia

  Editor: Yang Xia Hu Wei

  Design: Zhao Danyang, Xu An, Suhang

  Chinese Communist Party History Exhibition Hall

  Xinhua News Agency New Media Center
