China News Service, Yinchuan, September 28th, title: "Post-80s" writer Ma Jinlian: Take root in the earth and listen to the heartbeat of the earth

  Author Li Peishan Li Zeyang

  "I have reasons and obligations, and I have more confidence in writing literary propositions in China, the west, rural areas, and various ethnic groups in the context of the times. This is the support point of my writing, and it is also the original intention when I chose literature when I was 18 years old." , Ma Jinlian, vice chairman of the Guyuan Federation of Literary and Art Circles, member of the China Democratic League, and "post-80s" female writer who won the title of "Ningxia's Most Beautiful United Front", said in an interview with a reporter from

  Born in 1982, Ma Jinlian has been living and working in Xihaigu, and began literary creation at the age of 18.

She always has a sincere and simple heart and insists on expressing her sincere feelings for real life in simple and unpretentious language. Her brushstrokes have never left the hot land of Xihaigu where she lives, cares and loves, and truly restores and It shows the current life, life story and destiny of the people here.

Ma Jinlian told a reporter from that local literary works are not simply copied from life. They need to undergo a certain amount of conception, polishing, and refinement.

Ma Jinlian took a photo at the 7th Lu Xun Literature Award Ceremony.

Photo courtesy of the interviewee

  "I like to walk in the rural market towns and observe the vivid faces that are affected by life." Although living in the city now, in order to continue her novel creation, Ma Jinlian has to go back to the countryside every once in a while, and to the villages. The elderly chat, chat about their past lives, and dig out precious materials.

  Ma Jinlian said frankly that the fresh materials are in real life.

Persevering in literary creation for 21 years, many of her works are memories of past life, with a sense of warmth, kindness, and ancient life.

"The past does not mean obsolescence, but what makes you look back from time to time is the pure eternity left by time." She said.

Ma Jinlian wrote early manuscripts.

Photo courtesy of the interviewee

  "Although I am taking every opportunity to return to the countryside, the speed and depth of social fission have penetrated and decomposed the countryside a long time ago." Ma Jinlian said that nowadays it is far more difficult to write about the country than for the city.

For her, how to retain these rural memories and how to record the changes in the countryside is the main direction of her writing now.

  "I have visited immigration sites many times for investigation and interviews. Facing the rubble and loess, I have a strong urge to write down the changes in these villages with the touch of literature, and those who ran on the earth with the pace of life. The story of the folks, especially in the Xihaigu area, where living conditions are relatively backward, for the perseverance and thirst for a better life." Ma Jinlian said that she spent a lot of time outside of work. In carrying out surveys and collecting materials in the countryside.

  In the ten years of working in the National Democratic League Guyuan Municipal Committee, Ma Jinlian combined his own writing advantages, and the proposals submitted have been selected by the Guyuan CPPCC meeting as the conference speech for many times; organized and carried out special research and wrote research reports, and served as the Guyuan CPPCC for the third time. , Member of the 4th CPPCC; The paper submitted and written was selected by the Democratic League "One Belt One Road" Economic Forum as a speech at the conference and won an excellent collection of papers.

Ma Jinlian's work has been affirmed by the United Front Work Department of the Guyuan Municipal Party Committee, the Ningxia District Committee of the Democratic League, the general branch, branch and members of the Democratic League.

  In 2018, Ma Jinlian's short story "The Water and Sauerkraut in 1987" won the Short Story Award at the 7th Lu Xun Literature Award, and she became the first "post-80s" writer to win the Lu Xun Literature Award.

So far, Ma Jinlian has published more than 4 million words, and many works have been translated into English, French, Russian, and Arabic and published abroad.

  "Years of writing has made me firmer in one direction: writing about the bottom, about reality, and about life." Ma Jinlian said, clinging to the ground, writing the most common people's sorrows and joys, joys, angers, sorrows, joys, sorrows and joys with deep emotions, listening to the earth in the depths of the new era. Her restlessness, to promote the truth, goodness and beauty in the hearts of the children of all ethnic groups, and to affirm the light and warmth in the hearts and human nature, is her choice without regrets.

  "The heart will grow old, the body will grow old; only time will not grow old, but life will not grow old. My obsession and persistence in literature will never grow old. I will always take root in the soil with a simple heart, and write the story of our time with literature. "At present, Ma Jinlian's new work "Lonely Tree" has been published, and the new work will soon be available to readers.

These works that are close to life are like carefully prepared "paste and sauerkraut", which are as always mellow and enduring to read.
