Among the prints seized from related parties in the case where two former painters in Osaka were arrested for producing fake prints based on the work of Japanese painter Kaii Higashiyama, another 3 such as Ikuo Hirayama As a result of the appraisal by the Police Agency, it was found that the work of a human painter was also considered to be a fake.

The balance of the account related to the former painter was over 600 million yen, so the Metropolitan Police Department is investigating that there is a suspicion that it was making a lot of profits by making fake products.

Yuzo Kato (53), a former painter in Osaka, and Masashi Kitahata (67), the owner of a print studio in Nara Prefecture, were both Japanese painters Kaii Higashiyama during the two years until January. On the 27th, he was arrested on suspicion of violating the copyright law for producing fake prints based on five works such as "Kusa Aomu" without permission.

Approximately 80 prints were seized from the parties concerned, but among them, the works of Ikuo Hirayama, Tamako Kataoka, and Toshio Arimoto were also found to be fake as a result of the appraisal by the Metropolitan Police Department. I understood from the interview.

It is believed that the two had been making fake prints for more than 10 years, and the balance of the accounts related to the former painter was about 600 million yen in total as of January.

The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating that it is suspected that it was making a large profit from the production of fake products.

The approval or disapproval of the two has not been disclosed.