Fukushima Prefecture has produced a video in which a local hero calls for emigration to the southern part of the prefecture, such as Shirakawa City, which is close to the metropolitan area and the rent is cheap, in the form of a salaryman, and started distributing it on YouTube.

In the video targeting office workers in the metropolitan area, "Daruma" and villains who are local heroes in Shirakawa City and are named after the local specialty Dharma are mentioned as office workers.

To the villains who are exhausted from going to work from Chiba or Saitama for 2 hours one way, Dal Riser introduced that if you use the Shinkansen from Shin-Shirakawa Station, you can reach the city center in about 70 minutes, life is convenient and rent is cheap. We are calling to move to the area around Shirakawa City.

According to Fukushima Prefecture, as remote work becomes more widespread due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, there is growing interest in moving to rural areas, and the number of inquiries to the prefecture's consultation desk is gradually increasing.

Dal Riser, who appeared at the video recital, said, "It was my first time to wear a suit and shoot a video, but I want you to enjoy it. I would like to continue to cooperate to convey the charm of Shirakawa." rice field.

Hirofumi Sato, Deputy Director of the Planning and Commerce Department of the Fukushima Prefecture South Regional Promotion Bureau, said, "It became a unique video by appointing a local hero. In the future, I would like to utilize Web advertisements that encourage migration." ..

This video is distributed on YouTube, a video posting site, and can be viewed from the homepage of the Prefectural South Regional Promotion Bureau.