• Since September 15, healthcare professionals not vaccinated against Covid-19 can no longer exercise if they have not received at least one dose.

  • Unvaccinated liberal doctors would also be prohibited from carrying out teleconsultations, according to a widely shared tweet.

  • 20 Minutes

    takes stock of this statement.

While the debate rages around the number of caregivers suspended due to their non-vaccination against Covid-19 - vaccination having become mandatory, for at least one dose, since September 15 - a viral tweet denounces him, a supposed additional restriction specific to doctors.

“Unvaccinated doctors are prohibited from doing computer teleconsultation.

What more do you need to understand that this dictatorship has nothing to do with health?

», Is indignant this message to thousands of shares.

Non-vaccinated doctors are prohibited from doing computer teleconsultation.

What more do you need to understand that this dictatorship has nothing to do with health?

- Atlas Awakens (@lereveildatlas) September 23, 2021

Well-founded assertion or intoxication? 

20 Minutes

takes stock.


Until October 15, 2021, unvaccinated doctors can still practice, like any person "subject to compulsory vaccination", as long as they can justify "the administration of at least one of the required doses and under reserve to present the result of a negative test every 72 hours until having a complete vaccination schedule, ”recalls the website of the Ministry of Health.

As of October 16, on the other hand, as the Health Insurance website specifies, "unvaccinated liberal health professionals or whose vaccination schedule is not complete will be prohibited from exercising".

At present, any unvaccinated doctor who exercises his activity without justifying the required criteria is liable to a fine, six months' imprisonment and an additional sentence of community service in the event of a repeat offense. being provided by regional health agencies (ARS).

A valid vaccination obligation "without distinction according to the methods of exercise"

Contacted by

20 Minutes

, the Ministry of Health indicates that "the vaccination obligation concerns all health professionals, without distinction according to the methods of exercise".

He thus confirms that teleconsultations come under the same regime as consultations in the office, as evidenced by a doctor who had not been vaccinated and had to close his office in mid-September, explaining to our colleagues from the

Courrier Picard that he

was "forbidden to practice [ his] profession, including teleconsultation ”.


Compulsory vaccination for caregivers: 3,000 or 300,000 professionals suspended?

We take stock


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