Earlier this year, the documentary Framing Britney Spears was released, which among other things is about how the pop star's father, Jamie Spears, in 2008 became her guardian after she suffered from mental illness for a while.

In the new documentary, Controlling Britney Spears, made by the New York Times, a former employee of the security company Black Box appears and tells how they applied the father's wish to monitor the pop star.

Alex Vlasov worked at Black box for almost nine years and he says in the documentary that the company had access to the communication that took place on Britney Spears' phone, including search history, photos, Facetime calls and text messages, including text messages between her and her then lawyer and sms where she writes that she is in a clinic for psychiatric treatment against her will, this despite the fact that guardians have no legal right to force anyone to such treatment. 

Secret audio recordings

Alex Vlasov also says in the documentary that the security company secretly installed audio recording equipment in Britney Spears' bedroom.

He says he received a USB stick with the material that the company manager and another employee asked him to delete.

- They seemed very nervous and said that it was extremely sensitive material and that no one should ever hear about it.

It raised so many warning flags, says Alex Vlasov.

Instead of deleting the material, he kept a copy and the New York Times took note of the recordings to confirm their authenticity.

The New York Times has also taken screenshots of text conversions from Britney Spears' phone.

Denies the allegations

Black Box security chief Edan Yemin has not responded to questions from the New York Times, but his lawyer said in a statement:


Yemini and Black Box have always conducted their business within professional, ethical and legal limits and they are particularly proud of their work in protecting MS Spears ”.

Jamie Spears has declined an interview with the newspaper.

His lawyer tells the New York Times that the father has always acted with Britney Spears' knowledge of and approval of security measures.