A "Nakizumo" was held at a shrine in Shibata City, Niigata Prefecture, to pray for healthy growth by crying the baby's cheerful voice.

About 20 people from 6 months to 2 and a half years old living in Niigata Prefecture participated in the "Nakizumo" held at Suwa Shrine in Shibata City on the 26th.

Wearing a helmet and a mawashi with the family's idea of ​​"Shikona", they were embraced by amateur wrestlers and went up to the ring, and they faced each other while being lifted high with the shout of the priest.

While some children were crying cheerfully, others were still looking neat, and the families cheered while taking pictures of their efforts.

It is customary for the "Nakizumo" at this shrine to not decide whether to win or lose, but to draw as a "Gyoji custody".

The mother of a 9-month-old boy who participated from the local area said, "I was relieved because he cried a lot. I want him to grow up healthy without getting sick."

Mr. Kunihiro Hatakeyama, a priest of Suwa Shrine, said, "It was a very nice sight for the baby to cry and the family to laugh. I want everyone to grow up cheerfully and cheerfully."