Witnesses of actress Jeon Ji-hyeon and married couple dating in Songdo, Incheon spread, completely dispelling the divorce rumors surrounding the couple.

On the 23rd, Sporty News reported that Jun Ji-hyun and her husband Choi Jun-hyeok were seen dating several times in the Songdo area of ​​Incheon. The media reported that their 6-year-old son entered an international school in Songdo earlier this year, and the Jeon Ji-hyun family settled in Songdo. said to have been observed.

Witnessing the dating couple Jeon Ji-hyeon is enough to completely blow away the rumors of their breakup and divorce that surfaced in early June.

At that time, an unconfirmed article spread around the online community that Jeon Ji-hyun was preparing for divorce from her husband Choi Jun-hyeok, and that one of the two was having an affair. Here, the YouTube 'Garosero Research Institute' rumored about the two divorced six months ago, and Choi Jun-hyeok announced his intention to divorce and left the house, claiming the separation, and the controversy grew even hotter.

Then, Jeon Ji-hyun's agency, Culture Depot, said that all the rumors were 'groundless'. We plan to take it,” he said.

In addition, her husband Choi Jun-hyeok indirectly denied the parody and divorce rumors with the line "I want to be Jeon-jeon's (Jeon Ji-hyun) husband" while posting a scene from the cartoon 'Slam Dunk' on her mobile SNS wallpaper.

Despite the ups and downs of rumors of a divorce, Jun Ji-hyeon and Jeon Ji-hyun still seem to have a close relationship.

Jeon Ji-hyun and Choi Jun-hyeok got married in 2012 and have two sons.

Jun-hyeok Choi, the husband of Jun Ji-hyun of the same age, is the second son of Choi Gon, chairman of Alpha Asset Management.

After graduating from Korea University and the University of Wisconsin in the United States, he worked as the head of the derivatives division of the Seoul branch of Bank of America (BOA), a global investment bank, before moving to the vice president of Alpha Management in April last year. became a shareholder.

(SBS Entertainment News reporter Kang Seon-ae)