Find out the best way to drink coffee

A Russian nutrition expert revealed the best way to drink coffee, warning against replacing meals with coffee during the day.

"Many people like to start their day with a cup of hot coffee, and the morning is good if an important condition is met. It is necessary to drink coffee during eating or after meals, otherwise it will cause damage to the stomach," Irina Lizon said in an interview with the Russian "Sputnik" agency.

According to her: "Coffee stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, which is the juice secreted by the stomach to digest food, and if the stomach is empty, these juices can cause a feeling of pain and heartburn."

The expert warned against replacing meals with coffee during the day, noting that coffee does not contain the nutrients that the body needs.

"Coffee can be a snack option...but it is important that the main meal includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins," she concluded.