Chinanews client, Beijing, September 18 (Ren Jing) Recently, the outline for the postgraduate entrance examination in 2022 was released, and the review for the postgraduate entrance examination in 2020 has begun to enter the sprint stage.

  According to the National Regulations on the Enrollment of Postgraduates in 2022 issued by the Ministry of Education, the preliminary examination is scheduled for December 25th to 26th this year, and a small number of examination subjects with special requirements such as the use of drawing boards, etc., are scheduled for the 27th.

Data map: In the self-study room of Nanchang University Library, candidates are intensively reviewing.

Photo by Liu Lixin

  According to the "National Management Regulations for Postgraduate Admissions in 2022" issued by the Ministry of Education, the 2022 postgraduate entrance examination is scheduled to be held from December 25th to 26th this year. The examination time is more than 3 hours or a small number of examination subjects with special requirements such as the use of drawing boards are arranged in 27th.

  According to the news from China Postgraduate Admissions Information Network, the online forecast for the 2022 postgraduate entrance examination will be conducted from September 24 to September 27, and the online registration is scheduled from October 5 to October 25.

  Registration for the postgraduate entrance examination is about to begin in another year, and the topic of the postgraduate entrance examination has once again become a hot topic in public opinion.

  In recent years, the scale of the postgraduate entrance examination has continued to increase. According to statistics, the number of postgraduate applicants in 2017 broke the 2 million mark for the first time, reaching 2.01 million. In 2018, the number of postgraduate applicants rose to 2.38 million, an increase of 18.4% over the previous year.

  In 2019, the number of postgraduate entrance examinations nationwide reached 2.9 million, an increase of 520,000 over 2018, and the growth rate rose to 21%.

By 2020, the number of postgraduate entrance examinations has exceeded the 3 million mark for the first time, reaching 3.41 million.

  Looking at the postgraduate entrance examination data in the past five years, from 2.01 million in 2017 to 3.77 million in 2021, in less than five years, the number of postgraduate applicants has increased by more than 1.7 million.

  At the same time, the enrollment scale of postgraduates in universities is also expanding.

  According to expert analysis, the focus of postgraduate enrollment expansion is leaning toward the professional master's degree of advanced applied talents, and the enrollment is more inclined to be positioned on the promotion of professional competence, emphasizing professional competence and professionalism.

In terms of disciplines, in the past ten years, the number of graduate students enrolled in some applied disciplines has increased significantly.

  Wang Yufei, Dean of the General Institute of Teaching and Research of Wendu Education Group, said that with the rapid development of my country's economy and the advancement of supply-side reforms, the demand for talent structure transformation has become more and more important.

  "The content of research and recruitment examinations and changes in recruitment trends are aimed at alleviating the shortage of high-level professional talents and solving key and difficult problems that affect the improvement of comprehensive national strength and industrial development."

  From the perspective of the examination itself, after the postgraduate entrance examination outline was released, Wang Yufei analyzed that the adjustment of the outline of each subject focused on the details, but combined with the overall change trend, more attention was paid to the examination of the examinee's knowledge understanding and practical application ability.

  Wang Yufei said that in recent years, the focus of the examination for graduate admissions is gradually shifting from emphasizing the understanding and memory of professional knowledge to emphasizing the "learning for application" of the knowledge learned.
