"Kaiping Diaolou and Villages" is China's first overseas Chinese cultural world heritage and the first world heritage project "Kaiping Diaolou and Villages" of the international "immigrant culture".

Why did these Chinese and Western architectural groups appear in Kaiping, Jiangmen?

What is the inspiration for the current cultural exchanges between China and the West?

  Zhang Guoxiong, a professor at the Guangdong Overseas Chinese Culture Research Institute of Wuyi University and the chief expert on "Kaiping Diaolou and Villages" declaration for World Cultural Heritage, said in an exclusive interview with China News Service that "Diaolou" is a reflection of overseas Chinese embracing Western culture and transforming their hometown.

Diaolou is the only building in the world, which is "Neither the soil nor the foreign nor the Chinese nor the West", and it has more global significance.

  Zhang Guoxiong said that China is not a closed and exclusive nation, and sticks to the excellent things of its own nation. At the same time, I will learn foreign things.

The enlightenment from Kaiping Diaolou is that the Chinese have such a cultural mind, cultural vision and cultural psychology.

  (Reporter He Junjie and Sun Qiuxia produced Sui Zhiyuan)

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]