Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo that there is a letter written by Mitsunari Ishida and Oribe Furuta behind the book written by Tadaoki Hosokawa, a military commander from the Warring States period to the early Edo period who laid the foundation for the Hosokawa clan to become a leading daimyo in Kyushu. I found out by the investigation of the place.

Experts say that it is a valuable historical material that shows the true faces of the warlords who served Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

Tadaoki Hosokawa was a military commander from the Warring States period to the early Edo period, and served Hideyoshi Toyotomi and laid the foundation for the Hosokawa clan to become a leading daimyo in Kyushu.

The Eisei Bunko in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, which stores the Hosokawa family's historical materials, and the Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo examined the books written by Tadaoki, which had been a joint scroll, and found the back side of the letters received by Tadaoki. I found that I was reusing it.

Among them was a letter written by Mitsunari Ishida and Oribe Furuta, who served Hideyoshi with him around 1586, to Tadaoki.

In Ishida Mitsunari's letter, Tadaoki told Tadaoki about how to use the money he received from Hideyoshi, saying, "Because we are blessed, we should distribute the money around instead of storing it." It is said that Mitsunari's personality and humanity are well represented.

In addition, Furuta Oribe's letter says "I want you to lend me a sword" under the name "Sasuke" before calling himself Oribe, and it is said that there are few experts left in Oribe's youthful letter. is.

Many of the warlords' letters during the Warring States period were written by vassals who wrote the official ones, and Associate Professor Yuki Murai of the historical materials compilation office who conducted the survey said, "I can see from the handwritten letters that they interact closely, Toyotomi It is a valuable historical material that shows the true faces of the warlords under Hideyoshi. "

Backing paper for about 15 letters and records

This time, Tadaoki Hosokawa wrote about Noh, and then the books were kept in scrolls.

According to Associate Professor Yuki Murai of the Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo, who conducted the survey, there was a part where the characters written on the back side could be seen through, and it was thought that some backing paper was reused. But I didn't know the details.

When dismantled, about 15 letters and record backing paper were used.

Among them, 5 letters were sent to Tadaoki by the warlords who served Hideyoshi Toyotomi together, such as Mitsunari Ishida, Oribe Furuta, and Gen'i Maeda, 3 drafts of the letter written by Tadaoki himself, and Tocha. There were 3 records when I played the game at that time when I drank tea called "Tadaoki" and guessed the brand.

Mitsunari Ishida's letter describes how to use the money received from Hideyoshi after asking for his impressions of the tea ceremony in which Tadaoki participated as a greeting in the first part.

Sansei's autographed characters are clearly written in black, and the line spacing is narrowed so that you can fill in what you want to write as you go to the latter part.

In addition, in the letter from Oribe Furuta, following the purpose of "I want you to lend me a sword" to Tadaoki, I wrote a detailed request that "I am in trouble if it is too big".

Experts believe that it was a matter of borrowing a sword to bring it to Emperor Goyosei's coronation ceremony during this period.

There were a total of three letters from Oribe Furuta, all of which had the name "Sasuke" before calling himself Oribe as the sender.

In addition, in the draft of the letter written by Tadaoki, I changed my schedule and went to Hideyoshi on the way to Shokokuji Temple in Kyoto with Gamo Ujisato and Takayama Ukon, who are military commanders under Hideyoshi. Is written.