• Since September 9, the audiovisual media have been encouraged by the Superior Audiovisual Council (CSA) to count the speaking time of editorialist Eric Zemmour when it concerns “the national political debate”. 

  • The supporters of the potential presidential candidate of 2022 are offended, as is his colleague Jean-Marc Morandini, according to whom the speaking time of Eric Zemmour should not be deducted because he "is not part of a political party ".

  • The CSA, however, recently revised the rules for counting speaking time for personalities not included but weighing in the political debate, and has just decided to include Eric Zemmour. 

The request of the Superior council of audio-visual (CSA) with the audio-visual media to count, since September 9, the interventions of Eric Zemmour “relating to the national political debate” does not stop reacting.

Jean-Marc Morandini, colleague of the editorialist of CNews, thus took his defense on the antenna of the continuous news channel, affirming: "The rule at the CSA is that a columnist is deducted when" he is part of a political party.

[Zemmour] is not part of a political party, so he doesn't have to be counted.


Jean Marc Morandini “The rule at the CSA is that a columnist is not counted until he is part of a political party.

He is not part of a political party, so his time does not have to be counted.

»#ConseilSuperieurDeLaCensure pic.twitter.com/d4pEBKYCzX

- Disciple of Z (@ cedricGZ84) September 9, 2021

An assertion taken up, since, by the supports of the potential presidential candidate… whereas the CSA recently modified its rules to include in this count of the personalities not inserted politically.


In March 2021, Michèle Léridon, president of the Rights and Freedoms, Pluralism and Ethics working group of the CSA had indeed announced that the latter would henceforth take into account the words "of personalities and former political personalities who are not attached to a party or a group but which weighs in the debate ”, such as Ségolène Royal, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen or Laurent Joffrin, as explained in particular

Le Figaro


Michèle Léridon defended in passing the maintenance of the traditional system for editorialists and other personalities of the audiovisual world: “Some commentators are indeed very politically committed. But to start counting the speaking time of journalists and editorialists involved cataloging them, which would have been very delicate and potentially infringing on editorial freedom ”.

The CSA however estimated, in its last press release, that "in view of recent developments", Eric Zemmour, whose possible presidential candidacy has been feeding the media soap opera for several months, "could be looked at from now on, both by his positions and its actions, only through the comments to which they give rise, as an actor in the national political debate.

“And therefore classified in the category of personalities with deductible political speaking time.


Presidential 2022: "He is the great disruptor of this election ..." Not yet a candidate, Eric Zemmour sets the tone


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