Two farmers commit suicide every day in France.

This average for the start of 2021 reflects the difficulties of many farmers who are struggling to make a decent living.

Camille Beaurain is a widow and has decided to testify about this tragic phenomenon in her book

Agricultrice, une vie à part


Camille ran a pig farm with her husband Augustin.

But in 2017, he decided to hang himself, leaving him a note behind their wedding photo: "He had marked that he still loved me and that I am enjoying life" He was thirty-one years old.

This death prompted the farmer to sell the livestock, but after a few years, she regained a taste for life: “The desire to be a farmer and to take care of the land, that makes sense.

There is a passion that was born in me, and this passion was passed on to me by my husband.

Camille Beaurain testifies to the difficulties encountered by farmers in the video of our partner Brut. 

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  • Suicide

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  • Farmers