Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine D.I.

Kuleba came up with a new means to defeat Russia: “We have another initiative that we proposed to the Americans - this is a free trade zone between Ukraine and the United States ... Because we want to strengthen our economy, and we all understand that for you need money to fight. "

According to Kuleba, a strong Ukrainian economy will make it possible to earn a lot of money, and this will create reserves that can be spent on the defense sector.

Before Culeba, Marshal Gian Giacomo Trivulzio (1448-1518) spoke about the importance of money for waging war, when King Louis XII of France asked him what preparations were needed to conquer the Duchy of Milan.

The Marshal replied to the Father of the People: "Three things are needed for war: money, money, and again money."

Subsequently, this phrase was attributed to Napoleon, Bismarck, etc., which indicated the popularity of the idea among great statesmen.

Perhaps now they will also ascribe it to "Marshal" Kuleba.

Moreover, both Trivulzio and Kuleba are right around.

War is the most expensive pleasure invented by humanity.

Money is whistling just like that.

And regardless of the results of the campaign.

Both a victorious war and a lost war equally devour the treasury money.

From an economic point of view, a military campaign is the life of the state on loan, when money is spent on a grand scale and without counting.

Or for the sake of preserving the state as such in the face of an external enemy - here bargaining is inappropriate.

Or counting on the subsequent wagering.

Sometimes the calculation is justified, sometimes it is not.

Everything is so, but for a war with Russia - after all, all Kuleba's thoughts are about this, he is not going to fight with Moldova - not only large funds are needed, but very large ones.

In the event of a serious campaign, we can talk about several annual budgets of Ukraine.

Maybe this is how it should be, and our Ukrainian brothers are not going to save on ideology.

But the benefits of trading with America are toll-free, duty-free - what D.I.

Kuleba, - in the best case, will amount to a value several orders of magnitude less than what is really needed to wage a war with Russia.

Moreover, a victorious war.

The numbers are simply incomparable.

This is not even to mention the fact that the pale-faced brothers are often on their minds and furnish trade favors with such fine print conditions that make it much less profitable than it initially seemed.

Whenever Kuleba wanted to seriously solve the problems of the Ukrainian military development and its economic base, he would rather expect that his American partners would imitate Roosevelt of 1940-1941: “If a neighbor’s house is on fire, and you have a garden hose, lend it to a neighbor. until your house is on fire.

When the fire is extinguished, the neighbor will return the hose to you, and if it is damaged, he will pay for it when he saves some money.

All countries that are fighting against Nazism or will join the fight against it will receive from the United States everything necessary for this struggle to end victoriously. "

The current Ukrainian political community is completely ready to identify Russia with the Third Reich, itself with a country that is desperately fighting Nazism, and the great overseas democracy with a supplier of immense Lend-Lease resources.

But the problem is that Sophie has long agreed, it remains to persuade the Prince of Wales.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.