Akashi City, Hyogo Prefecture, has put together a draft ordinance that the city will independently provide a subsidy of 3 million yen to citizens and their families who have been forced to undergo sterilization under the former Eugenics Protection Law, and on the 7th. I submitted it to the city council.

According to the city, if enacted, these ordinances will be the first in the country.

Regarding the former Yusei Protection Law, in order to rescue people who were forced to undergo sterilization due to disabilities, a law was enforced that included a lump sum payment of 3.2 million yen per person. The spouses of those who have undergone sterilization are excluded.

Under these circumstances, Akashi City compiled a draft ordinance for the city to provide its own support to citizens and their families who were forced to undergo surgery in order to lead to a wide range of relief, and submitted it to the city council on the 7th. ..

According to the draft ordinance,

in addition to citizens who have undergone sterilization or abortion surgery,

families who are not covered by the national lump sum payment, and

▽ "exclusion period" in which the national government will not be required to compensate for damages after 20 years. It is

said that a subsidy of 3 million yen will be provided to

those who have passed the


In Akashi City, the victim and his / her family are two people in total, and if it is passed, it means that such an ordinance will be the first in the whole country.

However, while the city council agrees that it is a necessary ordinance to rescue victims who have leaked from the system, there is also an opinion that it is the first to rescue the victims under the national system. Deliberation will be held.