Local nursery school children took on the challenge of catching carp released in paddy fields in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture.

In the Imai district of Matsumoto City, the carp released into the paddy fields stir the mud to prevent weeds from growing.

JA Matsumoto Highland is planning to catch carp in paddy fields every year so that children can get familiar with agriculture. On the 7th, 25 local Imai nursery school children entered the paddy fields and chased the carp.

When released in mid-July, the 1000 fry carp were growing up to about 15 cm in size, and the children were muddy and happily catching the carp.

A 6-year-old boy who participated said, "It's difficult to catch, but I caught it with my hands."

A 6-year-old girl said, "I enjoyed catching the carp because it bounced off."

Osamu Sakurai, a farmer who planned to grab carp, said, "I'm very happy that the children are having fun. I think they learned where the rice they usually eat is made." I was talking.