"Yuzu Gosho" is made from blue skin before the fruits of Yuzu are ripe in Buzen City, Fukuoka Prefecture.

Yuzu kosho is made in the Kamikawasoko district of Buzen City, where yuzu is cultivated.

At the processing plant, women from the area gather at this time to make yuzu gosho by peeling the blue yuzu and then adding blue pepper and natural salt and mixing them.

If you use the bluish skin before the fruits are ripe, the scent will be good and the appearance will be vivid.

The group decides to make about 5,000 yuzu kosho in a jar containing 80 grams.

Akiko Nishino, the representative of the processing group, said, "It is popular because it uses clean mountain water and natural salt and has a mellow taste. There are many ways to use it, so I definitely want you to use it." Was there.

Yuzu kosho is made throughout this month and will be sold at local direct sales offices and will be shipped nationwide upon order.